Born in Dublin Ireland
Swift was a sick child. He had an illness called Meniere's Disease. Swifts father died before he was born and his poor mother could not take proper care of him du to his illness. He was sent to live with an uncle, who sent him to a private school.
At 14 began Trinity College in Dublin.
Glorious Revolution of 1688
Sir William TempleUnrest in Irelnad caused Swift to move back to England, for the next ten years Swift worked for the politician Sir William Temple -
Became an ordained priest
Became a priest to a small congregation in Dublin, during this time he preached, gardened, and wrote a pamphlet called A discourse of the contests and dissensions ... in Athens and Rome
Released two books, "A Tale of a Tub" and "The Battle of the Books."
Became editor of the Examiner
He was well known and well liked by the public for his politacl satire, but the church did not like it, -
became Dean of St. Patrick's Cathederal in Dublin.
Cadenus and Vanessa." Here he had a new lover Esther Vanhomrigh, who he called Vanessa, he wrote a poem about her called CADENUS AND VANESSA. -
Married Esther Johnson, who he met when she was only 8. 15 years older than Stella as he called her, she was a child bride.
Gullivar's travels was published
This is his best known work -
His wife Stella, Esther Johnson, died
Suffered a stroke
Jonathon Swift died
buried next ot his wife Stella