220px john dewey cph.3a51565

John Dewey

  • Birthday

    John Dewey was born in Burlington Vermont on October 20th 1859
  • Early Years

    In 1874 at the age of fifteen John Dewey enrolled at the University of Vermont, finding a particular love for philosophy. Four years later he graduated second in his graduating class
  • Experimenting

    in 1894 Dewey would start an experimental elementary school to be able to test his own educational theories. Yet once the board fired his wife Harriet he resigned.
  • Period: to


    In 1894 Dewey had become head of philosophy at the University of Chicago and remained in that position until 1904. During this time he was also was the director of education for the university
  • World Travel

    John Dewey traveled the world teaching and learning new educational reforms, yet when visiting Russia he took a liking of their experimental learning techniques and when he returned to the states he shared what information he learned with his colleagues.
  • Education

    Dewey was a key component I the educational reform in the United States. He believed in a more hands on learning experience that one was able to learn more clearly and retain the knowledge given to them when done through real experience and one could learn more from the way someone perceives the world and the nature of it.
  • Philosophy of Nature

    Philosophy of Nature
    1925, Dewey published one of the most influential pieces of philosophical works, "Experience and Nature", in this piece he describes nature to be impoverish, that there was no natural conflict between being and the experience one would have in a lifetime. Yet nature is always changing and cannot be static, but it still can be predicted and human experiences are subjective and because we are nature in itself. His idea was change and how to live with it and not just transcend them.
  • Retirement

    1930, Dewey would retire from teaching with a professors title.
  • The New Republic

    During the course of his life up until his deathbed Dewey published over a thousand books and journals containing philosophy, politics, culture, religion and of course educational theory. The one that made him renowned still in his field was "The New Republic", a pamphlet on politics and the labor of education, and the need for a new party, this established him as one of the most highly regarded commentators in his field during the time.
  • Death

    In 1952, John Dewey died in small apartment in New York City at the age of 92 due to pneumonia.