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John Brown Timeline

  • Brown's family

    Brown's mother is Ruth mills and his father is Owen Brown. They were a strong abolitionist family. Brown was raised thinking slavery was a sin of God.
  • John Brown's birthday

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    Brown's life outside of being an abolitionist

    Brown's first 50 years, he moves all throughout the North. Starts at Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and then New York. He fathered 20, they were farmers, wool merchants, tanners and speculators. He also filled his massive bankruptcy.
  • Brown sees a slave beaten

    Brown see a slave getting beaten. The slavs was just a boy that was his age. The memory haunted Brown for the rest of his life.
  • John Brown’s wives.

    Brown married Dianthe Lusk. They had many children in the 1820s before she died in the early 30s. In 1833 he married Mary Ann and had even more children.
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    John Brown: The abolitionist

    from the 20s-50s, Brown experienced difficulties being an abolitionist. He worked the Underground Railroad, Gove land to free africans, and made the Gileadites.
  • Moving into a free black community

    Though Brown was white, he settled in a black community. this land was in North Elba, New York. The land was paid for by Gerrit Smith.
  • Massacre

    Brown and his five sons ent to the Kansas Territory to lead the antislavery cause. The next year, he went to a proslavery town and killed five people. His sons continued fighting for the rest of the year.
  • Slave revolt

    Brown was so anti slave, he had a nightmare about slavery spreading. This inspired him to start a revolt to free some of the slaves. Later, the revolt failed
  • Brown caught for his crimes

    Summer of 1859, Brown with 15 whites and 5 blacks set up a headquarters in a farmhouse. On october 16, they rounded up 60 men. Brown was eventually put a stop to and sentenced to execution.
  • Brown put to rest

    Brown attended a trial by jury in charlestown, VA. There, he spoke about how he thought he was doing what God would want. The speech was enough and was executed.