Jeff Dunham: Timeline 1

  • Period: to

    Jeff Dunham Was Born

  • Given up for adoption

    Given up for adoption
    He wasn't old enough to realize at the time, therefore not really effecting anything. But it threw a wrench in Jeff's life when his parents told him, the night of his first public show.
  • Jeff realized he wanted to be a ventriloquist

    Jeff realized he wanted to be a ventriloquist
    This was the very first step in Jeff's career that turned out to be life long. He decided he wanted to do it, and managed to stick with his plan and go through with it.
  • Jeff received his first puppet for Christmas

    Jeff received his first puppet for Christmas
    After he decided he wanted to become a ventriloquist, this was what truly captured his interest. Jeff's parents were very supportive of his desired career and wanted to get him started.
  • Jeff began to focus on shows in the neighborhood

    Jeff began to focus on shows in the neighborhood
    After creating a sign and showing his newest puppet off to his neighbors, Jeff's career began at the young age of 11. His first 'shows' were parties and entertainment at small fairs.
  • Jeff received a chance to be on the news in grade 8

    Jeff received a chance to be on the news in grade 8
    It was Jeff's first public appearance and allowed him to show his interest and career to the world. This is when people outside of his town finally began to learn about his talent.
  • Jeff's first show at Whatever Stages

    Jeff's first show at Whatever Stages
    It was during this official performance that Jeff realized that this is what he truly wanted to do as a living. It taught him what the showman life was like, and Jeff adored it.
  • Jeff received a job at Six Flags

    Jeff received a job at Six Flags
    The first big opening of Jeff's career when he was offered a job to do what he loved. This was the very first step of the ladder to Jeff, as he claims.
  • Jeff go into helicopters

    Jeff go into helicopters
    Aside from ventriloquism, Jeff took interest in aviation. In 1985 he bought a 'Build your own helicopter kit' and managed to earn a helicopter license
  • Jeff entered a talent contest that could change his life

    Jeff entered a talent contest that could change his life
    Being filmed by his friend Wes, Jeff entered a contest that would allow him to travel to Las Cruces. This could change his life and take his career on a turn for the better.
  • Jeff finally received his invitation

    Jeff finally received his invitation
    After being noticed in the contest for his hilarity and talent, Jeff received the invitation for Las Cruces. This was a pivoting point in his career as he was asked to perform for a big shot audience.
  • Jeff was the opening act for George Burns

    An interesting and humorous point in Jeff's life. It taught him to be better prepared when his carry on bags arrived, but his luggage did not- he was left with poster board and a toilet plunger as a makeshift Jose Jalapeno
  • Walter was added to the puppet collection

    Walter was added to the puppet collection
    This is when Jeff came up with the idea of a grumpy old man for one of his puppets. This was the lead up to one of his most successful puppets yet.
  • Jeff Dunham reached his goal of being a guest on the Tonight Show

    Jeff Dunham reached his goal of being a guest on the Tonight Show
    One of Jeff's biggest moments in his life and on television. This was the largest step of his career and helped him grow even more in popularity.
  • Jeff reached 18 years of his comedy career

    Jeff reached 18 years of his comedy career
    Jeff considered it his 'comedy club birthday'. It was a big moment of his life, being proud of himself for keeping up his wonderful career for 18 years already.
  • Jeff helped Johnny Carson through the loss of his son

    Jeff helped Johnny Carson through the loss of his son
    Instead of simply doing a show for himself and the money, Jeff Dunham did it for Johnny. It shows that he isn't an entertainer just for the money, he works to help people forget their stress for just a few hours and so they can have a good laugh.
  • Jeff performed for Gene Roddenberry's birthday

    Jeff performed for Gene Roddenberry's birthday
    It was a big moment in Jeff's life due to the fact Star Trek basically made up his entire childhood alongside his puppets. It may not seem like a big deal to others, but it was most likely one of the most exciting moments in Jeff's life, meeting all his childhood heroes.
  • Jeff landed a performance in 'Hot Country Nights'

    Jeff landed a performance in 'Hot Country Nights'
    It was only a one time gig, but it was yet another performance that bumpde Jeff up the ladder in both popularity and talent. To this day he says it was one of his favourite gigs that he has ever done.
  • Jeff asked Paige out for the first time after he met her

    Jeff asked Paige out for the first time after he met her
    After she had sent him a fan letter and they later met, Jeff too interest in Paige and the two soon began dating. It was an important step in Jeff's personal life, and seemed to brighten things up for him.
  • Jeff and Paige married

    Jeff and Paige married
    Yet another big step in his personal life. Instead of simply flying around and simply doing shows, he enjoyed having someone to come home too- after he married Paige, he also adopted Paige's daughter Bree, finally able to start a family.
  • Jeff built Achmed

    Jeff built Achmed
    Despite his worry of a dead terrorist clashing with the audience, Jeff went with his plan anyway. Achmed soon turned into one of his most popular puppets, with almost everyone know the line of "Silence! I 'keel' you!!!"
  • The recording of "Jeff Dunham's Very Special Christmas Special"

    The recording of "Jeff Dunham's Very Special Christmas Special"
    One of the highest points in Jeff's career. It holds the record as Jeff's most sold DVD, and it was his favourite performance, especially with Guitar Guy. (Brian Haner)