javi irigay

By belty
  • birth

    He was born on 12 june 2008 in Baza
  • Primary school

    Primary school
    He got into san jose de calasanz school at 3 years old

    He graduates with a title of mechanical engineer
  • Invents the water powered engine

    Invents the water powered engine
    so technological
  • 1st million dollars

    1st million dollars
    lots of money
  • Commits tax fraud

    Commits tax fraud
    He owns 23 euros to hacienda
  • Starts being chased by police

    Starts being chased by police
    Pedro sanchez se acerca
  • Creates the big bacon gang

    Creates the big bacon gang
    Lots of gangsters joins
  • Friends

    Famous gangster Omar lopez Ballesteros joins the big bacon gang ,they turn into BEST friends
  • Richest spanish man

    Richest spanish man
    700 million of dollars neth worth , from engines and other suspicius activities
  • Easy life

    Easy life
    a period of his life without problems
  • Tragic Death

    Tragic Death
    Omar was found dead at his house with 22 bullets in his chest
  • Javier Jr

    His first son is born , an he decides to give him his name
  • Revenge

    Javi founds and kills Omars murderer , Barack Obama , member of a opp gang , the big burguer gang
  • 2nd son

    Javi has his second son , named pepe
  • Death

    Found dead in a mountain