BIrth of Isaac
After many years Abraham and Sara finally gave birth to a son. They thought they could not bare a child. God blessed them. -
Period: to
Offering of Isaac
God sent Abraham to offer Isaac as an offering. God sent him away and was to sacrfice hime like he was a lamb. God was testing Abrahams faith and did not have him sacrifice him. -
Isaac Marries Rebekah
Abraham found Isaac a wife. They were mariied and a big celebration occured. Abraham was pleased with her. -
Birth of Jacob and Esau
Rebekah got pregnant with twins. The day had come and the twins were going to be born, she had two sons. Isaac named the first born Esau and the second born Jacob. -
Abrahams death
Abraham lived one hundered and seventy five years. Abraham was given a long life with his wife and children. He died of old age. -
Esau sells his birthright
Jacob was cooking stew, Esau came over to him and asked for some. Esau said "sell me your birthright." -
Jacob Gets Isaac's Blessing
Tricking his father that he was actually Esau his brother, he recieved the birthright. Isaac felt him and realized he was very hairy. He knew it mustve been him. -
Jacob Marries Rachel
After leaving home he finally found a woman to marry. He took her as his wife. Rachel and Jacob were married and it was good. -
Rachel Bears Joseph
Rachel gave birth to her son Joseph. She was happy because she knew that she had brought him into the world thorugh her servant. She was pleased because Jacob was. -
Jacob Meets Esau
After many years he runited with his brother. 400 men stood behind Esau. He had an army -
Jacob Returns to Bethel
God told Jacob to return to Bethel. He did ths and God saw it was good. When he arrived he build an altar. -
Rachel Dies