Jackie Robinson

By vladom
  • Jackie Robinson was born.

    Jackie Robinson was born.
    He was born in Cario GA into a famkily of four other siblings. His father left them when he was only a few months old.
  • He played semi pro football.

    He played semi pro football.
    in 1935 until the start of his baseball carrer, he played semi pro football for the Honolulu Bears in Hawaii
  • He played multiple sports.

    He played multiple sports.
    While attending UCLA he did baseball, basketball, football and track.
  • He won a few college awards.

    He won a few college awards.
    In 1941 he was named to the All-American football team.
  • Finacial problems in college.

    in 1941 he was forced to drop out of UCLA due to financial hardship
  • He made it to the big leagues.

    He made it to the big leagues.
    He Played in the mlb with the Dodgers from 1942 untill 1956
  • He played many different positions.

    He didnt just play outfield, he also played first base, infield, seconf base, and shortstop
  • Alot of nasty threats we adressed to him.

    Alot of nasty threats we adressed to him.
    Since he was the first african american to play baseball, he got a lot of death threats and hidous insults.
  • He led the league in batting average.

    His batting average was .342.
  • He won rookie of the year.

    He won rookie of the year.
    in 1947 he won rookie of the year
  • He was great at stealing bases.

    He was great at stealing bases.
    he was great at stealing bases and in 1948 in a home game against the Boston Braves he stole home.
  • He achieved many awards

    He achieved many awards
    He was awarded with the Mlb All century team in 1999
    National leauge MVP in 1949
  • After baseball, he became a politition.

    in early 1957 he became a spokesperson for the National Association for the Advancment of Colored People
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  • His life came to an end in October.

    His life came to an end in October.
    he passed away at his home in North Stamford, Stamford CT