Immigration Timeline- Ching Chau

  • Gets Fired

    Ching gets fired from his job producing silk in China. Loses his house. Lives on the street.
  • Period: to

    Lives on Streets

  • Decides to Move to America

    Decides to immigrate to America from China by steamboat to look for a better life since he got fired from his job spinning silk in China. He brings only 100 yuan and a change of clothing. He is 26 when he immigrates.
  • Period: to

    Gets on Boat to America

  • Makes a Friend

    Makes a friend named Jin Lin on the boat. They get through the trip together.
  • Gets Sick

    Catches the common flu from another passenger on the boat. His body is not used to this kind of sickness, so he gets really sick.
  • Obtained at Angel Island

    Obtained at Angel island because he was sick when going through the line to get passed through to America. Jin Lin goes through to work on railroads.
  • Period: to

    Obtained at Angel Island

  • Meets a Girl

    Meets a girl named Sun Park.
  • Is Released from Angel Island

    Ching and Sun are released from Angel Island because of overcrowding. Although, he is highly discriminated against because of the Chinese Exclusion Act and still can not find a job, so he goes to mine for gold.
  • Period: to

    Mining for Gold

  • Marries Sun

    Marries Sun Park near the gold mines.
  • Finds Gold

    After months of difficult mining alone with the gear he spent all his money on, he finds gold.
  • Cashes in Gold

    Cashes in all his gold for $500.00.
  • Buys Himself a Farm

    Buys himself a cow farm, and settles down with his wife.
  • Period: to

    Lives On His Farm

  • Has a Kid

    Has a kid, names him Timmy.
  • Has Another Kid

    Has a kid, names him Johnny.
  • Dies of Old Age

    After a good, long life, Ching dies at his farm with his wife and kids by his side, at theageof84.