
History of Management

  • Mary Parker Follett

    Mary Parker Follett
    Known as the Mother of Management. In her writing about management she would respond to Taylor's thoughts. Parker once said "Authority should go with knowledge...whether it is up the line or down."(Jones, Geogre, 2014)
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Creator of the New Industrial Company. He led an expansion of the America steel industry. One of the highest profile philanthropists of his era. (Jones, George, 2014)
  • Frederick Taylpr

    Founder of scientific management. He study people in the workplace, studying their behaviors and performance. lifespan 1856-1915. (Jones, George, 2014)
  • Henry Ford

    Henry Ford
    The founder of The Ford Motor Company. Developed and manufactured the first automobile. Ford made the automobile into a practical conveyance instead of an expensive piece of equipment. (Jones, George, 2014)
  • Henri Fayol

    Henri Fayol
    Fayol was a French mining engineer ES DIRECTOR who helped form the theory of business administration that is often called Fayolism. He is also known as the founder of modern management methods. (Jones, George, 2014)
  • Max Weber

    Max Weber
    He helped in making the principles or bureaucracy during the Germany's industrial revolution the administration. (Jones, George, 2014)
  • Management Science Theory

    It uses quantitative techniques to help managers be organized and use their resources. There are four branches - Quantitative management, Operations management, Total quality management and Management information systems. (Jones, George, 2014)
  • Charlie Chaplin

    Co- Founder of the distribution company United Artistd. Tried to start the machinery of mass production. In the new work system it was meant to represent teh power of machinery. (Jones, George, 2014)
  • Human Relations Movement

    This movement helped individuals and there area of work within the business more attention. Human Resource departments were added to most businesses. This Movement helped people the understand the needs of the workers. (McNamara, 2014)
  • Hawthorne Studies

    A study done to see if there was a change in behavior of workers when they were being watched by others. Also to see if lighting and illumination had an effect on workers behavior and work skills. They found that with less light production from the workers decreased. Also it found that the workers' performance was directly correlated with the workers' attitude towards the manager. (Jones, George, 2014)
  • Dave Packard

    Helped in establishing the "HP Way." Which is a people oriented approach to management. Believing that people are going to do the best that they can do.(Jones, George, 2014)
  • Bill Hewlett

    Was a co-founder of HP-Way. This was established in a garage. It is a people oriented approach to management. It stated that people are trusting and honest.(Jones, George, 2014)
  • Organizational Development

    Started the Research Center for Group Dynamics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is known as the “Father of Organization Development.” He is known for his study in dynamics. (Jones, George, 2014)
  • Maslow's hierarchy of Needs Theory

    This theory has five different levels, self-actualization, esteem, love and belonging, safety and physiological. These all help within management because they all have to be thought about when managing a business. These concepts are what people need to be successful in whatever they do. (McLeod, 2007)
  • Contingency Theory

    This theory was developed by Tom Burns and G.M Stalker in Britain and by Paul Lawrence and Jay Lorsch in the United States. This is the idea that control systems and the organizational structures mangers choose characteristics on the external environment. (Jones, George, 2014)
  • Theory X and Y

    Douglas McGregor proposed two sets of theories about work attitudes and behaviors.
    Theory X assumes that negativity about the workers is caused by the manager supervising and the control over the workers is to strong.
    Theory Y assumes that positivity within the work place between the manager and the workers helps the workers be more creative, productive and self-directed.
    (Jones, George. 2014)
  • Robert Blake

    Blake helped to develop a management model. This model dealt with management styles and relations. In it was “Concern for people” and “Concern for tasks.” (Clark, 2011)
  • Jane Mounton

    Mouton helped to develop the management model. This model has two concepts “Concern for people” and “Concern for task”. These can describe the attraction of simplicity within management. (Clark, 2011)
  • Development of Databases

    First proposed by Edgar Codd. Databases are used to store information for businesses. They make it a lot simpler to collect data and keep close records for the businesses. Businesses across the world are using this feature and the databases continue the change and become easier to use. (Martin, 2009)
  • Invention of Microsoft Word

    The first version of Microsoft Word was developed by Charles Simonyi and Richard Brodie. The first version was not very popular, but after a few improvements Microsoft Word was used around the world. Today there are still improvements being made and with each year there are changes within the system and the program still remains popular. (Martin, 2009)