
Hector Roland - Ex-fiance

  • Cancels meeting with Olga

    He remembers at the last minute he has a prior engagement on Christopher Street and must cancel their meeting to pick out wedding announcements. He infers this is a business arrangement to boost both of their careers and that he will "act his role to perfection"
  • Guarantor of Sale of Cadence

    Guarantor of Sale of Cadence
    Hector acts as guarantor of payment, but forgoes all rights to property of the Adler's purchase of the Cadence from George sell the Cadence. Contract states closing date on Jan 5, 1935
  • Engagement to Viola Vane

    Hector Roland and Viola Vane had a whirlwind courtship then engagement after 2 mos
  • Breakup reported in newspaper

    News article re: breakup of HR and VV. HR states he's heartbroken whilst VV is upset but refuses to talk.
  • Ask JS to attempt to deliver letter to OG

    Letter returned without being opened. Hector asked Joe to attempt delivery since he had been unsuccessful.
    - Doesn't blame VV or IA for results, nor should Olga
    - Urges Olga to let Viola grow up, and move on and to assume the role of mother
  • Write IA for sabatical & Baby boy notice

    Write IA for sabatical & Baby boy notice
    Sends letter towards end of Strange Duo stating he needs a sabbatical and must spend time with Lucy (midwife) and Louis(Dr.) "country estate caretakers", but will be back in time to start rehearsing YCLiRH.
  • News article with updates on strange duo's cast

    Just released his first big budget film "Adventures of Dr. Dent"
  • 1713 - Olga arrives & argument ensues

    Olga arrives and interrupts rehearsal.
    Attempts to attack Viola with
    Cane (gifted from VV) confiscated from Olga
    - GE states she yelled at VV in Romanian and was escorted from the building by Mr. Sampson and HR.
    - JS states OG "damned near killed Viola in front of us all"
  • 1632 - Break in rehearsal called for GE

    Ruth arrives at rehearsal and "take 5 is called"
    - GE's police interview states: GE states Ruth arrives with baby J and rehearsal breaks for 5. Spoke with her about "trivial matters for 10-15mins. Rehearsal resumes at 1700.
  • 1700 - Rehearsal resumes

  • 1800 - HR arrives at event

    1800 - HR arrives at event
    Grand opening of The Cancio at 356 W. 46th St. Opened at 1745 and ran out of pasta by 1815. His alibi is here.
  • 1730 - HR leavee Cadence for event

    Hector Roland leaves Cadence around 1730 for another engagement, where he sees Olga outside banging on the door to the theatre demanding access. He also states that she was intoxicated.
  • Write IA and sends money

    Write IA and sends money
    Was sorry You Can Leave It Right Here was a flop, but it was good to leave for the country. He hoped to get respite from seeing Vi everywhere, but it didn't work. Where could she be and why?
    - The press is harassing him and accusing him of causing foul play.
    - Vi was the only one who really knew him and hopes she's safe and well.
    Encoded message: Sending you the money. Enough to cover your responsibilities.
  • Sends chp 7 of memoir to Adlers

    Sends chp 7 of memoir to Adlers
    Sends chapter for review to Ira & Evelyn before sending the chapter to his publisher.
    Memoirs recounting Viola's please & Hector's subsequent help with her pregnancy. He states that things had soured after the baby was born & left in New Canaan. EK being replaced, GE with her less than stellar performance (& his need for her to save his theater), Olga w/ V's regular "disappearances" on the weekend & VV with being separated from her baby. Adler's hadn't told baby & asked chp to be cut