
hatchet timeline project by Dason Avery

  • The Secret

    The Secret
    Brian Robenson catches his mom K-I-S-S-I-N-G a stranger. When he sees that he understands why his mom asked to divorce his dad. When he looks away he didn't see where he was going and crashes into a car and breaks his ankle.
  • Period: to


    After the secret was found out by Brian, he started packing to visit his dad for the summer. At the court when the divorce happened, the judge decided that brian is with his mother while school is going and he visits his dad when school is out.
  • The drive to the airport

    The drive to the airport
    On the way to the airport so he can visit his dad for the summer, his mom tries to get him to talk but refuses. He refuses to talk becuase of what he saw and because she broke up with his dad. His mom is able to get him to wear the hatchet. When he gets out of the car he forgets the hatchet is on his belt and brings it with him.
  • The Flight

    The Flight
    Brian is flying in the airplane ( a Cessena 406) and he is thinking about The Secret. He starts cying without noticing it and the piolot asks what is wrong and he doesn't answer because he is so upset he does not want to talk about it. ( This is before the death )
  • The Death

    The Death
    Brian is riding in the Cessena and the pilot starts having problems. The pilot is having a heart attack. As he starts calling for help on the radio, he dies. Brian is alone.
  • Alone

    After the pilot died, Brian felt all alone. As he felt like that he saw the pilot jerk and pull the plane off course.
  • The Crash

    The Crash
    As Brian is frozen in place, the plane runs out of fuel and starts going down. He decides tomake a crash-landing in a L shaped lake. (The lilies in the backround are on the lake before the crash)
  • I'm alive !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm alive !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Brian swims to shore in great pain. When he feelshis head he remarks " it's as large as a melon ".Then he goes to sleep.
  • Shelter!!!!!!!!

    When Brian wakes up, he starts looking for shelter. He goes around the pile of rocks and find a shallow dip in the rocks. He found out he could fit inside and made it his ' home '.
  • The Gut Cherries

    The Gut Cherries
    Brian goees around the lake to ceck out the bushes for food. He thinks in his mind ' there must be cherries in those bushes'. He finds what he later calls ' gut cherries'. He eats to many and gets sick during the night and throws up because he ate the gut cherries wether they were ripe or not.
  • Midnight

    During the night he woke up with a bellyache and threw up over and over because he ate ripe and not ripe gut cherries.
  • raspberries

    Brian got very little sleep after the problem at midnight. When he woke forr the last time he got up for theday and went out to find better berries. As he goes deeper into the forest he sees bright red bunches of little berries. Rasberries! to find out what he did next read The Bear
  • The Bear

    The Bear
    As Brian collected rasberries, something in his mind told him something is present. he turned around and saw a bear. his mind told him to run away but his body wouldn't respond. A few minutes later he found out that the bear just came to eat berries. After the bear was gone, he collected the berries and went home.
  • The porcupine

    The porcupine
    Two nights after he found shelter and food, he wakes up and hears a sound. At first he thinks its a snake and lashes out. when he lashes out with his foot, 12 fish hook like needles stab him. ( to find out what happens next read The Fire )
  • The fire

    The fire