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Best hatchets for camping and survival

Hatchet Timeline

  • Getting a hatchet

    Getting a hatchet
    At the begening of the book brian receves a hatchet fom his mother and he decides to atach it to this belt and because of this he was able to use the hatchet in this time he was in the wildrenes.
  • Plane Crash

    Plane Crash
    The plane crash is one of the most inportant things because it was the reason that Brian got lost in the woods. Another reason this is important is because if brian had never got in this crash then the story would not be that interesting.
  • Shelter Build

    Shelter Build
    I think that him finding/ building a shelter is a big part because it shows he has a little understanding the wildrenes. I also think this is important because when he made the structuer he was always able to block of the wind get as mutch space as posible to himself.
  • Porkupine

    The porkupine aperently is a very importent because he thinks he found the most important thing about survival that is not to feel bad for him self and the only reason he found this out was because he had been stabed.
  • FIRE!!!

    I think the fire is a big part of the novel because without the fire there will be no fish and with no fish he would only have berries and with only berries there he would be with no nutrience in his body and he would probebly died.
  • First fish

    First fish
    Brians fist fish was a big part of the book because it indecated that brian might actualy survive. I think this event if worth mentioning because this shows that he has a sorce of food.

    during this event brian getts attacked by a moose. The moose attack helps to forge Brian's "tough hope," a resolution and change in character that demands that he will survive and not let the wilderness defeat him. It is this recognition that proves to be Brian's most enduring trait from his experiences in the wild.
  • Tornado

    The tornado sequence happens in chapter 16 of the book. The only good thing about the tornado was that it whipped up the lake water so much that it caused the tail of the plane to be poking out above the surface of the water. That allows Brian to gain access to the plane.
  • Survival kit

    Survival kit
    Brian looks through the survival pack, Brian finds a little electronic device in a waterproof bag. At first he thinks it's a radio, but when he examines it more, he realizes that it's an emergency transmitter. He flips the switch back and forth a few times, but nothing happens, so he sets it aside to keep looking through the survival bag. He finds two bars of soap, bags of freeze-dried food. Overwhelmed by all the choices he has available to him. That is why this is a important event.
  • Rescued!!!

    He begins to prepare this feast with much anticipation when he hears the drone of an engine above him. The plane flies low and lands on the lake. The pilot emerges and reports to Brian that he had heard the transmitter signal. In saying this, the pilot slowly makes the connection that the searchers he had heard about were looking for Brian, who stands before him. Brian in shock simply says, "My name is Brian Robeson.. Would you like something to eat?"