Hatchet timeline

  • it all went down in water

    it all went down in water
    June 1 the plane crashed with Brian inside he had to get out and he did. He landed in a forest not knowing how hard it would be for Brian. Brian was shocked of how it happened first he thought it was bad luck that the pilot had a heart attack. He did not blame it on just the pilot but also his mother who divorced his father and went their separate ways and just because of that he had to fly to his father then this happened.
  • secrets

    the secret that was all he could think about him his dad his mom all bothering him you are wondering what it is well it is divorce. Brian was dealing with divorce this would hurt him on his journey but right now it hit the hardest beacause he was over thinking about how he got here and it was all her fault his mom. his mom divorced his dad and he had to fly to his dads and then all this happened. He was angry he wondered what the secret was and if he found it he wanted to tell it to his dad.
  • food

    Brian June 4 food was all on his mind nothing else but food he was hungry so he crawled to look for some food. He saw some birds and thought they could lead him to some berries he just wanted something he was desperate. He followed and found berries BERRIES, HE WAS JOYED eating them multiple at a time and he took of his wind breaker and took alot of berries and put them in his wind breaker. Later that night he was in pain thinking it was the berries he called them, gut berries.
  • shelter

    Brian had berries now he needs to protect them with a shelter. Now that he is energized he looked for a overhang or a cave or anything and he found just that. He found a overhang and he was happy so he got to work using his hatchet to cut some wood and make a wall type looking thing and put it on the overhang and it was shelter and he liked it as he thought he was debating to call it home or shelter and he thought if they are going to get them he should call it shelter.
  • fire

    when he was sleeping he felt something. Not knowing what it was he wanted it out so he threw his hatchet and missed. it made some sparks when it hit the wall but before he could fully process, the creature stank all over him and that creature was a skunk he was dying he went into the water screaming and that skunk dug and got the turtle eggs.all that for turtle eggs. he had to forget that and he thought of the sparks and he could make a fire so he tried different ways and he made fire.
  • something new

    something new
    it was a normal day and Brian was getting bored of his normal food. He thought he could get some fish but how, his first idea was to make a spear and he tried, but the fish were too fast. He realized it took too much movement so he wanted to make a bow. he made the bow but it was not efficient so when he tried it did not work he kept on trying and his arrow was breaking. he remembered that you have to aim under the fish because of refraction so when he remembered that he got so much food
  • those fools.

    those fools.
    those fool birds he said he hates them, if you do not know the fool birds are a bird ofcorse but you do not know how annoying they are.brian describes them annoying because they pop infront of your face. Brian hated this as when he was fishing it prevented him from getting fish.he wanted to eat them because it would be a a good food meal.
  • no more bozos

    no more bozos
    he was blood thirsty for the bird he wanted them so he went hunting. He got nothing and it was not that he could not find them its just that they pop up to fast for him to shoot or spear them so he had to think of something, something to help him. He saw one fly over and he realised the shape kinda like a pear, this would help him because ther colour would blend so focuse on the shape . he tried it out and he easily found one but it was just shooting it so tried nope he tried nope and he got it
  • cooking and killing

    cooking and killing
    he finally killed it now how will he eat it ofcourse he wioll put it over the fire but how will he eat it it is not cured he does nit know where to eat the meat but he still tried to cook it. He was cooking and it was going great and he took it off and he ate it sweetly sund and it tasted great
  • a whole disaster

    a whole disaster
    A far-off sound awakens Brian in the middle of the night. Suddenly, a tornado comes down on him, slamming him on the side of the shelter. The tornado departs as quickly as it had arrived, leaving Brian out in the open, his shelter and fire destroyed. Without the protection of the fire, mosquitoes found him once again and he lies sleepless for the remainder of the night, contemplating how his situation has changed so much in one day. In the morning Brian finds a survival pack witch helps a lot.