hatchet final project

  • Dont worry INSURANCE will cover it.......

    Dont worry INSURANCE will cover it.......
    Brian was going to visit his dad far away and his mother was just giving Brian his last goodbyes. His mother gave him a present before he went, it was a hatchet because his dad lives somewhere were a forest is. When he got to the tiny one engine bushplane and they took off, the pilot did not say anything to Brian but "get in the copilot seat" after that the plane smelt weird, then smelt worse then the pilot had a HEARTATTACK and poor Brian crashed in a L shaped lake but survived BUT badly HURT.
  • Period: to

    hatchet final project

  • Brian The Builder

    Brian The Builder
    Brian was just recovering from his concussions and cuts from the plane crash sitting on the tree in the sun getting cooked. The day finally came to night and he went to sleep. The next day Brian decides to try to make a lean-to (a kind of makeshift shelter constructed from sticks and twigs). He finds a place to build it near the L shaped lake against the rocks, this was smart because the shelter was close to the lake so he can take a drink anytime he wants!
  • Drinking the DEAD

    Drinking the DEAD
    That day Brian woke up he was very THIRSTY so he went to the L shaped lake for a drink, then remembers that when the plane crashed the pilots dead body was inside of the plane, and thats when Brian's eyes grew wide in FEAR. But he was SO thirsty he thought he might die, so he decided to take only a little sip. But when he did he could NOT STOP DRINKING he stopped at 3-4 big sips then his stomach got upset and he BARFED OUT ALL THE WATER HE DRANK but he was no longer thirsty!
  • these cherries don't CHER-ISH brian

    these cherries don't CHER-ISH brian
    Brian wakes up STARVING he thinks about killing a bird or rabbit but the only item he had is a hatchet its too slow. so he decides to go looking for berries he scavenges and scavenges and finally finds CHERRIES he takes a 6-7 hands full of them and goes home. when he got home it was dark so he decides to eat a handfull of them but after that he did not feel to good he RAN to the sand and BARFED OUT EVERYTHING HE ATE but was no longer hungry?.....
  • Raspberries with a side of BEAR!

    Raspberries with a side of BEAR!
    Brian was sick of those so called "cherries" so he decided to look for MORE "this will be so long" Brian thinks to himself. He scavenged again for hours on end and FINALLY found....RASPBERRIES.....but then heard something....something BIG......something LOUD.....it....was....A BEAR, Brian froze in fear as the bear walked up to him analyzing him then calmly, walked away...BRIAN RAN AWAY then quickly stopped to think..."the bear did not hurt me? why am i running" so he goes to take more & leaves.
  • Porcupines need Friends...

    Porcupines need Friends...
    After Brian ate a TON of berries it FINALLY became night.... So Brian decided to go to bed. Then Brian woke up to a slow hissing sound in the middle of the night, Brians heart POUNDED in his chest...(at first i thought it was a snake but its actually a...)PORCUPINE...it was a porcupine coming inside of Brians shelter to give him a hug (he just wants a friend) as the porcupine crawled across Brians leg. Brian Jumped THREW his axe and missed so the animal put its quills in brians leg and left.....
  • Brian MAKES a Friend

    Brian MAKES a Friend
    After brian found out last night when he got hugged by a porcupine he saw that when he threw his hatchet sparks flew out of it that inspired him to make a fire, so he grabbed some dry grass some wood and stones and SLAMMED his hatchet on the rocks and made sparks but no fire so he looked for better things then he reached in his pocket and found...A TWENTY DOLLAR BILL. Since he is not in the city he ripped it up and used it for fire uses but did not work, he found birch tried using it and works.
  • Luckily Brian has a SHELL-TER

    Luckily Brian has a SHELL-TER
    Its been a couple of days after Brian made the fire, & i can tell he is getting tired of eating raspberries all day. That night Brian woke up to a slithering sound and a splash at the end late in the morning, he went out side to check and saw a line leading to the water. Brian followed the line the opposite way and saw a hole full of turtle EGGS.....that..was..FOOD HE GRABBED ONE AND SHOT IT BACK but it tasted gross but the 2 3 4 5 6 & 7 were fine then he stopped and took the rest to his home...
  • When animals get STRUCK...

    When animals get STRUCK...
    Brian was tired of eating RASPBERRIES he missed his moms food (meat) he decided to make a spear and it took him a while to do but he made one. he tried to catch a fish first but did not work after many fails he remembers something.. he needs a bow so he spent 2-3 days making one. once he was done he struck at the bottom of the fish and HIT he got one. when he cooked on the fire it was soooo good. The next day brian was looking for birds he found one and remembers what they look like (pears).....

    Brian was just having a normal day catching birds. He caught one eventually and went to the lake to wash the blood off his hands, then heard a slight "HHHVVVMMMM" then the sound grew louder until it was right above him the bird he wanted most of all and it was made or METAL. He quickly went to start a fire and RAN as fast as he could but did not make it.... He felt very sad and hopeless........
  • old problem new solution

    old problem new solution
    when Brian was walking back to his shelter with some wood and saw A SKUNK stealing his eggs and he smiled for a second then frowned because of stealing his eggs he threw sand {BAD IDEA} so the skunk SPRAYED HIM AND BRIAN WAS BLIND it stayed for 3 days....after that Brian left his old shelter to build a new one! he found a rock ledge and he used it as a shelter, he even put a door
  • The moose who wanted his territory back

    The moose who wanted his territory back
    Brian was just trying to catch some birds and suddenly heard a CHARGE and then it came to him, he looked behind him and saw IT...charging at him like a runway truck...it was a MOOSE. It charged at him pushing him into the lake to drown, the moose sat on top of Brian until Brian reached the bottom of the lake then the moose went back up to eat grass. Brian almost died there but went back up pretending to be dead so the moose does not attack him again...then the moose left. then Brian left.......
  • Do the Twist Twister!

    Do the Twist Twister!
    Brian was just sleeping in his little shelter of his and woke up to a loud humming wind sound then looked outside and saw it...THE TORNADO Brian FREAKED OUT helpless to the twister and eventually threw his stuff in the lake and hid somewhere and then after 12-13 hours maybe it was gone and Brian got out to see nothing but trees and the lake with the plane end sticking out of it.......
  • Achievement made: getting an upgrade

    Achievement made: getting an upgrade
    After the tornado Brian came out to see broken trees the lake with..THE PLANE it was sticking out..probobly he could find a survival pack so he decided to build a raft and make his way to the plane to find the survival pack, he used his hatchet that fell in the water but got it again, to use it to cut a hole big enough for Brian to get in to get the survival pack. Once Brian did he looked and saw...THE PILOTS DEAD BODY..Brian froze and almost died but made it out got the pack and rafted home.
  • Brian was finally happy-ish

    Brian was finally happy-ish
    Brian was looking in the survival pack and found -FOOD DRINKS BANDAGES and a rifle AND a transmitter he used it but nobody responded so he said he was going to have a feast, when he did he heard a loud humming outside and it was a PLANE coming down to Brian the pilot got out and saw Brian. After he got picked up people started questioning to him, someone made a book about this named HATCHET. THE END