Dijon   montage

Gustave Eiffel

  • Date of birth

    Date of birth
    Gustave Eiffel was born in1832 on december 15. His spouse was marguerite gualdelet. He was born in dijon france.
  • college

    On august 31 of 1850 Gustave Eiffel applied sainte-barbe, a college in paris. His classes were in chemistry. He passed the classes and recived his diploma.
  • Wife and children

    Wife and children
    He marries Marie gualdelet. In 1863 they had there first child. They contine to have two more children but sadly marie died soon after.
  • Eiffel et. cie

    Eiffel et. cie
    Gustave starts his first buissnes. He does this by partnering with a man named Therophie syrig. There first design was arailroad station in budapest going to vienna.
  • garabit viaduct

    garabit viaduct
    Gustave and his partner build there first major strucsure. Its a bride called the garabit viaduct. The bride is a long bridge with a rather exotic design.
  • Statue of liberty

    Statue of liberty
    Not long after the garabit viaduct is built Gustave is asked to help Design the statue of liberty. With the help of his partner and a few other engineers and they make the design. The construction of the statue of liberty is started.
  • Eifel tower

    Eifel tower
    This was the most important structure he ever designed and built. This is what made him popular and famous. He teamed up wityh marurice koechiln and emile nouguier and they created the design. The eiffel tower is a very popular tourist attraction and is located in paris france
  • New Job

    New Job
    Gustave gets a new job. He now works for a lock and security company. He had to design and make locks but after a year of him working there the company stoped paying the employes And he was forced to leave.
  • Award

    In 1913 Gustave was awarded the samuel p. langley medal. He was given this award for aerodromatics. Or resistants of air.
  • Death

    Gustave Eiffel died on december 27 of 1923 at the age of 91. He was listening to beethoven's 5th symphony. He was buried in Cimetere de Levallois-perret.