Frederick the Geat Timeline

  • Period: to

    Childhood Training

    He went under strict military training, and an harsh education regime.
  • Challenges his title

    He does not believe that he had been given the supreme right to rule by God, to spite his father, and make him angry.
  • Failed Escape

    Failed Escape
    Frederick tries to escape Prussia to peruse philosophy and arts, and fails.
  • execution

    he is forced to watch his friend get executed for helping him escape
  • Father's Influence

    Father's Influence
    His father was pushing for him to become a militaristic ruler like he was, and he wanted to peruse arts, he Shifted to his fathers point of view after his friend was executed.
  • Stripped of Title

    Frederick has his military title removed after he is caught trying to escape
  • Marriage

    He marries Princess Elizabeth of Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel
  • Period: to

    Art Influence

    He spent a brief time in Rheinsberg studying music and literature, and excelled at the flute.
  • Period: to

    Radical Government Reforms

    He improved the government administration and increased the nation's wealth and finances.
  • Period: to


    During this time, he brought in many philosophers and enlightenment preachers and wanted to increase the music and arts in Prussia.
  • Death

    one of his closest family members, his sister dies, and it devastates him.