Frank Empire.

  • 481

    set up

    frank empire set up and the emperor was Clovis I
  • 511

    Second emperor

    He inherited his father’s throne and occupied Orléans,Duché de Bourgogne
  • 584

    third emperor

    the second emperor is Clotaire II his father Clotaire I died when he was 3 month so he become the emperor
  • 602

    forth emperor

    Dagobert I, Dagobert I was the last Merovingian monarch with real power
  • 751


    Pepin was the founder of the Carolingian dynasty. In 751, with the support of the Pope and Frankish nobles, he overthrew the Merovingian dynasty and became the Frankish king. He reigned from 751 to 768.
  • 840

    the last two king

    Charles and his third son Louis,Charles died in 814 and Louis become the emperor until he died