france vs. spain in texas

By mbc2325
  • Oct 12, 1492

    columbus finds islands

    named san salvador, now named the bahamas. he is segnificant because he was the first to go to the new world.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    columbas rout

    columbas rout
  • Jan 1, 1519

    Hernando Cortés

    Hernando Cortés
    some time this year crtez sails to mexico. he went to conqure the aztecs. he destroyed the aztecs and created mexico city.
  • Jan 1, 1519


    pineda goes along the coast of texas. that is why he is inportant.
  • Oct 2, 1519

    hernades route

    hernades route
  • Oct 2, 1519


  • Oct 2, 1527


    Narvaez launches his expiditon into florida. he claims land that will be texas. he sent some of his men of the ship while the others garded he ship, the men on the ship. they got lost and then retured to spain.
  • Oct 2, 1539

    de soto

    de soto
    de soto irives at tampa bay he explores gorgai through alabama. he also helped destroy the inca empiyer. he was the first explorer to the missisipy river.
  • Oct 2, 1540


    he went in serch for cities of gold. he did not find any. he was important because that is what he told the king and theirfore the french could counquer more land.
  • La Salle

    La Salle
    la sale explores the missisippi river and all the land around it for france. part of which was once claimed by spain.
  • La Salle

    La Salle
    La Sallelands by mistake in texas and builds a fort their. his men starve and are killed by indians. when the spanish learn about this. they attack france.