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Federico García Lorca

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  • Birth

    Oficial biography by Biblioteca Cervantes
    García Lorca was born in Fuente Vaqueros, Granada; place were he spent his childhood and most of his youth. In his work he often writes about Granada and how the beauty of his homeland influenced him.
  • University of Granada and careers of "filosofia y letras" and "derecho"

    University of Granada and careers of "filosofia y letras" and "derecho"
    Information about el rinconcillo
    In this time period he attended "El Rinconcillo", place in which he met many different artists of the time and together they expanded their art.
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    During his youth, the most impactful period was his "friendship" with
    Salvador Dalí. It all started when they spent Semana Santa together to work and inspire each other.
    This week expanded to more time together and this impact greatly in both of their art. This friendship lead to a love interest in which Lorca writes "Oda a Salvador Dalí".
    Finally, their story didn't end well and Lorca started travelling to evade himself.
  • Publishing of "El maleficio de la mariposa"

    Publishing of "El maleficio de la mariposa"
    Maleficio de la mariposa is the first play writen by Federico García Lorca. It is about frustration, love and death. It was a total failure for the artist and was only represented 4 times. This, affected to the reputation of the artist but Lorca had no problem moving forward.
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    Play writing

  • Publishing of "Poema del Cante Jondo"

    Publishing of "Poema del Cante Jondo"
  • Publishing of "Canciones"

    Publishing of "Canciones"
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    Poetry writing

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    Generación del 27

    Video explanation of the Generación del 27
    As a summary, the generación del 27 was a group of Spanish artists, mostly writers and poets, that around 1927 rose to fame after the tribute done of Luis de Góngora.
  • Publishing of "Romancero Gitano"

    Publishing of "Romancero Gitano"
    Romancero gitano is a book made by 18 poems about "gypsy" culture. It talks about the "gyspies" and their way of living marginalised and their problems with authority.
  • Publishing of "La Zapatera Prodigiosa"

    Publishing of "La Zapatera Prodigiosa"
    La Zapatera Prodigiosa is about a convenience marriage in which the woman is constantly debating between her reality and her deepest wishes.
    It also discusses how presumptions and gossip hurt people and communities.
  • Publishing of "Poeta en Nueva York"

    Publishing of "Poeta en Nueva York"
    Analysis of Poeta en Nueva York
    Poeta en Nueva York was writen between 1929 and 1930 during his stay as a student in Columbia University, New York. However, it was published in 1940, 4 years after his death.
    The poems in this book are influenced by the depression he was suffering due to his sexuality conflicts and a heartbreak.
    In these poems he criticises the capitalist society.
  • Publishing of "El público"

    Publishing of "El público"
    It is a play writen around 1930 but was only publised 56 years later due to its content. It is about homosexuality fellings and defends the freedom of sexuality. Nowadays it is considered one of the most important plays of the 20th century.
  • Publishing of "Así que pasen cinco años"

    Publishing of "Así que pasen cinco años"
    Así que pasen cinco años is a play about love and death. The curious things about this is that coincidentally 5 years after publishing this play he died.
  • Publishing of " Amor de Don Perlimplín con Belisa en su jardín"

    Publishing of " Amor de Don Perlimplín con Belisa en su jardín"
    Amor de don Perlimplín con Belisa en su jardín is a tragicomedia about an old man that has never been in love and suddenly falls in love with a young lady, which he forcefully marries.
    It was published in 1933 bu5 it was prohibited by Primo de Rivera's dictatorship.
  • Publishing of "Bodas de sangre"

    Publishing of "Bodas de sangre"
  • Publishing of "Llanto por Ignacio Sánchez Mejías "

    Publishing of "Llanto por Ignacio Sánchez Mejías "
    Ignacio Sánchez Mejías was a Spanish torero that was also a literature lover and a writer. He was a very important character in the time due to his fame but died due to a bull stabbing. Several writers of the generación del 27 tributed hum. And that's how this book was born.
  • Publishing of "Doña Rosita la soltera"

    Publishing of "Doña Rosita la soltera"
    monologue by Antonia San Juan of Doña Rosita la soltera
    Also known as "El lenguaje de las flores"
    Is it a play that essentially talks about the passing of time and the promise of marriage of Rosita, the protagonist. It talks about how marriage was one of the most important things in the time and how women were afraid of being single. It is also called "El lenguaje de las Flores" referring to the messages sent by using flowers in that period
  • Publishing of "Sonetos del amor oscuro"

    Publishing of "Sonetos del amor oscuro"
  • Publishing of "La casa de Bernarda Alba"

    Publishing of "La casa de Bernarda Alba"
  • Death

    Camino de Víznar a Alfacar, Granada
    In this time period Spain's political situation was horrible and violent.
    Lorca was known to be a liberal and because he didn't hide it he was in danger.
    He was hiding in a friend's house when the government of Granada took him and acused of being a russian spy, homosexual and other things; he was executed next to other prisioners in a path going from Viznar to Alfacar.
    more information
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    After his death

    After his death they publishes "Primeras canciones" and "Amor de Don Perlimplín con Belisa en su jardín."
    They were many reactions and works about his death like for example, «El crimen fue en Granada» by Antonio Machado in 1937. Or «A la España imperial le han asesinado su mejor poeta» an article writen by a falangist magazine.
    In 2009, they opened the public pit in which the poet's body was together with hundreds of other people but didn't find anything.
  • García Lorca fondation

    García Lorca fondation
    García-Lorca Fundation web page
    The Garcia Lorca fondation was created in 1984 with the purpose of expanding Federico's art and his life message. In this page ypu can find information about the poet's life and many expositions and other information about his life and work.