
  • 1539 BCE

    Esteban journey

    the purpose was to find the seven cities of gold . esteban died
  • 1519 BCE

    Cortes voyage

    Cortes conquered mexico for spain and the Aztec empire
  • 1519 BCE

    Pineda voyage

    the Spanish government commissioned Pineda to explore the gulf of mexico to find a passage from the gulf to the orient
  • Period: 1490 BCE to 1560 BCE

    De Vaca voyage

    the leader was panfilo narveaz and the purpose was that he was the first expedition to cross the north america from the gulf of Florida
  • Period: 1490 BCE to 1557 BCE

    De Vaca discovers texas

    cabeza de vaca was in Texas fro seven years,caberza de vaca encountered the Apaches
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus first voyage

    columbus was looking for silk and spies and he was the first to discover texas
  • May 21, 1539

    Moscoso' expedition

    the leader was Hernado De Soto .he died of a fever .
  • Sep 22, 1554

    Coronado's expedition

    coronado searched fro the seven cities of gold and Quivira.the guide was "the tuck"after they found out thet there was no gold the killed "the tuck"