Dec 31, 1000
A viking named Leif Ericson went with a crew to a land he heard of in his child hood. Soon he reached a land that is know called Cannada .They called this place Vinland because of all the grape vines .Leif's brother Thorvold went on a voyage to vinland. A war broke out with the Native Americanes so they droped the vinland project. -
Nov 18, 1271
Marco Polo
In the year 1271 Marco Polo went to Asia to trade goods. He traveled for 4 years their , and 4 years back . He started from Venese Italy. Marco Polo went with his father and uncle.Finally, he got to what is know called China and what is then called Cathey. There he saw a room that could fit 2,000 men ! Additionaly, he saw butiful paintings of war. Also, he saw walls made out of gold! The saddest part of Marco Polo's life is that the book that was publeshed onley came years after he died. -
Nov 22, 1453
European trades
The European,being inspiered by Marco Polo's story's traded with Asia. They put up a trading post in Constansinople. They got jewls, spices, perfuim , and silk -
Aug 21, 1488
In 1453 Dais sailed around the southern tip of Africa but dident get to Asia.He turned around because of masive storms , but he still got slaves.bn -
Aug 22, 1492
Martin Behame
In 1492 matin made the first globe , wish hade sevaral mistakes. Africa was mis shaped. there were only 4 contenents. In the race to get to Asia his map was very useful -
Nov 22, 1498
Da Gama
Dagama won the compitition. Portugl won,and got rich. They had the idea to go around the southern tip of Africa. -
Dec 11, 1513
Balboa sees whaat is know called the oicific ocean ,but dous't name it. he sees it on the Ismus of Panama. -
Period: Dec 11, 1519 to Oct 10, 1522
Magellen named the pacific ocean and was the first to sail around the whole world. -
Aug 14, 1521
Cortez conqered the Aztec's land and killed them. -
Jul 16, 1533
Pizarro conquered the Inka's land and killed them