Edward's admittence to self: Identity vs. Role Confusion
Edward (age 18) comes to terms with his conscious and decides to tell his family and friends that he is gay. He does this because he does not want to live a life of secrecy and exclusion from other people and their relationships, especially since so many of his friends and family members are in serious relationships. This is Erickson’s fifth stage, Identity vs. Role Confusion. The crisis is between society's view of a normal relationship and Edward's feeling of a normal relationship. -
Edward in residency: Generativity vs. Stagnation
Edward, age 40 applies to a radiation oncology residency. Edward makes the decision to dedicate his life to finding the cure to types of cancers. This is Erickson’s seventh stage, Generativity vs. Stagnation. The crisis is that Edward wants to find a way to contribute to society (generativity) and needs that in order to feel like his existence has benefited a large number of people. By not making his mark in society, he would not be fulfilling that need. (stagnation) -
Edward goes boating: Ego Integrity vs. Despair
Edward, age 65 has made the decision to finish off his life aboard his boat while traveling around the world. Edward writes a goodbye letter to his daughter, who survived breast cancer because of Edward’s research. He thinks about his life and is happy he decided to take the path that he did. This is Erickson’s eighth stage, Ego Integrity vs. Despair. The crisis is between a life that Edward can feel has wholeness. He avoided despair, which would be to regret the life that he lived.