Erikson Timeline

By Annamer
  • Establishing Trust

    Reed (6 months old) is being cuddled and nursed by his mother before going to his crib. He is in Erikson's first stage, trust versus mistrust. Reed is being loved and cared for which sets the stage for him to build a foundation of trust, firmly established with his mother.
  • Asserting Independence

    Reed is now 2 years old. He picks out his own outfit this morning (his favorite dinosaur t-shirt and green sweatpants) and his mother helps him put it on. Reed is in Erikson's second stage, autonomy versus shame and doubt. By making small decisions and asserting his independence in this small matter, Reed is attaining autonomy and feeling secure in his ability to choose when there are options.
  • Feeling Industrious

    Reed is 10 years old. He decides to rake all the leaves in the yard by himself since he heard his parents saying it needed to be done. By doing this, he is helping his family so they do not have to hire people to take out the leaves. Reed is in Erikson's fourth stage, industry versus inferiority. By taking an active role in the yard work, Reed is being industrious and can take pride in a job well done.