Erikson Timeline (Cyrin)

  • Cyrin Receives Support: Industry versus Inferiority

    Cyrin (age 8) struggles with his academics, falling a bit behind from the rest of his classmates. However, his family helps him with the assignments he has trouble with – Cyrin feels encouraged from the support and believes he can catch up. In Erikson's fourth stage of industry versus inferiority, the crisis is between success and believing in one's skills (industry) or failure and doubting their abilities (inferiority).
  • Cyrin finds himself: Identity versus Role Confusion

    Cyrin (age 15) explores his self-identity throughout his adolescence, as he doesn't know what he's supposed to be. However, through the social interactions he experiences; through the people he talks to and learns about, he learns about himself too, tackling his confusion and develops. In Erikson's fifth stage of identity versus role confusion, the crisis is between not knowing who we are (role confusion) or developing into who we are (identity).
  • Cyrin chooses him: Intimacy versus Isolation

    Cyrin (age 20) and Emery marry because they've formed a close bond and know enough that they cannot leave each other's side. They want to share a life because together it feels like home. In Erikson's fifth stage, intimacy versus isolation, the crisis is between developing a loving relationship with another (intimatcy) or choosing to stay alone, struggling to have lasting relationships (isolation).