Erikson Timeline, of Billy

  • Trust vs Mistrust

    Trust vs Mistrust
    Little Billy was ready to start crawling at about 7 months and found no one to help him get up when he would fall, which leads to mistrusting people he might have to trust growing up. Erikson's first stage, trust versus mistrust, the crisis is Billy being able to find support in a big point in his life from the people that surround him growing up.
  • Initiative vs Guilt

    Initiative vs Guilt
    Billy feels guilty after not getting help from others on any assignments or work because he takes initiative doing his work. In Erikson's stage, initiative versus guilt, Billy has a hard time getting help from others because he wants to be able to do it himself, others make him feel guilty about his initiative actions when not doing tasks correctly.
  • Intimacy vs Isolation

    Intimacy vs Isolation
    Billy in his young adult stage was very self conscious to be able to put himself out there and did not let his sexual desires and emotions out, when his girlfriend tried to talk to him, he would push away. In Erikson's stage, intimacy versus isolation, because of Billy's past traumas growing up he became self conscious, he stayed isolated and had a hard time developing intimacy in his years.