Erikson Timeline

  • Michaels First Day of School: Initiative VS Guilt

    Michaels First Day of School: Initiative VS Guilt
    Today is Michaels first day of kindergarten, he has a hard time interacting with his teacher as he feels a sense of guilt and inconvenience when he needs something. In Erikson's third stage "Initiative vs Guilt" a child will begin to come across social challenges more frequently and will either initiate them with confidence or will shy away because they feel a sense of guilt or inconvenience surrounding their curiosity.
  • Michaels First Basketball game: Industry VS Inferiority

    Michaels First Basketball game: Industry VS Inferiority
    Today was Michaels first basketball game. When Michael first joined the basketball team, he noticed that a lot of his fellow teammates were able to run much faster and make more baskets than he was capable of. His parents remind him of this often and tell him to try harder. Michael doubts his ability to perform well for the first game and feels a sense of inferiority among his teammates. In Erikson's Fourth stage "Industry vs Inferiority" a child feels competent or inferior to their peers.
  • Michael Goes to College: Identity VS Role Confusion

    Michael Goes to College: Identity VS Role Confusion
    Today Michael was accepted to the university of his choice and decided that he wanted to go to medical school and become a nurse. This helped Michael to define his role in the world and to gain a better sense of himself. In Erikson's fifth stage one is searching for their identity or their sense of themselves in regard to the world.