Erikson Timeline

By krkama
  • The First Stage

    John B (six months) lives with his Elena, his mom in their 2 bedroom apartment, but spends the weekend at his dad's where he spends most of his time holed up in his room. This is Erikson's first stage of trust vs. mistrust. The crisis between his happy and relaxing home with his loving mother(trust) as opposed to when John B goes to stay with his dad for the weekend where he does not enjoy his time and never gets to spend time with his father (mistrust).
  • The Sixth Stage

    Elena (18) and her boyfriend of 4 years have decided to take their relationship to the next level as they believe it's what they need to do. This is Erikson's sixth stage of intimacy vs. isolation. The crisis is between building a life together for the rest of their lives(intimacy) and going their separate ways due to rising problems in their relationship that they can't seem to get over(isolation).
  • The Eighth Stage

    Benny (86) lays on his deathbed with his wife Carole by his side. He reminisces and he regrets so much. Erikson's eighth stage of ego integrity vs. despair. The crisis is between the love of Benny's life right by his side through everything and the regrets he faces when he hurt her over and over(ego integrity). Deep in his heart he knows that he doesn't deserve Carole and it pains him more than the sickness that consumes him(despair).