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The Life of Henry

  • Henry's Growing Up: Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt

    Henry's Growing Up: Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt
    Henry begins to potty train. He was given adoration, and rewards, when he would successfully use the restroom. This gave Henry the incentive to try, and accomplish, new tasks by himself. In Erikson's second stage of Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt, the crisis is between self-regulation (autonomy) and the development of uncertainness and vulnerability (shame and doubt).
  • Henry's School Experience: Industry versus Inferiority

    Henry's School Experience: Industry versus Inferiority
    Henry starts school and he hates it. He doesn't have many friends, and he wishes the teacher would slow down so he can understand what she is teaching; school makes him feel dumb. In Erikson's fourth stage: Industry versus Inferiority, the crisis is between the development of diligence through encouragement and teaching (industry) and the feeling of being inadequate (inferiority).
  • Henry's Indecision: Intimacy versus Isolation

    Henry's Indecision: Intimacy versus Isolation
    Henry had been going out with his girlfriend for a couple of years now. She asks Henry if he is ready to get married but he isn't ready to give up his individuality, especially for marriage. In Erikson's sixth stage, intimacy versus isolation, the crisis is between forming close and devoted relationships (intimacy) and loneliness and segregation (isolation).