Erickson Theory

  • Jaevin's Hard Work: Industry versus Inferiority

    Jaevin's Hard Work: Industry versus Inferiority
    Jaevin, 11 years old in 5th grade was struggling with his academics. His parents decided to start meeting with his teachers so they could make sure they were able to stay on his curriculum. Jaevin put in the effort and brought his grade up. Everyone was very proud to make a difference with him. In Erickson's 4th stage, the crisis is between mastering a skill a developmental task leading to confidence in themselves or does not develop this sense of self and will feel inferior to others.
  • College Decision: Identity versus Role Confusion

    College Decision: Identity versus Role Confusion
    Jaevin is 22 and at a critical stage. He is trying to decide what he wants his degree to be in college but is concerned to make his own choice. His parents have always pushed him in a certain direction. Even though he knows his parents have always and still would support any decision he makes. In Erickson's fifth stage, Identity versus Role Confusion, the crisis will either lead him to know who he is and what he believes or not being sure of who he is.
  • Learning Relationships: Intimacy versus Isolation

    Learning Relationships: Intimacy versus Isolation
    After college, Jaevin started to look at the friendships and love connections he had made. He is working on building a stronger relationship with his fiance. Jaevin has also found that certain relationships can be negative which can cause stress and negative emotions. In Erickson's sixth stage, Intimacy versus Isolation, the crisis is he will result in having healthy happy relationships and feeling safe or he can end up feeling alone or depressed sometimes scared of relationships.