Epic of Giglamesh

  • 2591 BCE

    Gilgamesh returns to his kingdom and realizes that his legacy can be his legacy or his castle

    When Gilgamesh returns to his kingdom after failing to gain immortality he is thinking what will me legacy will be but he then realizes why he was always denied immortality his legacy will be his kingdom the city the castle he's built in his great name that will be his legacy he thought.
    legacy now in our times are still the same people want to leave their mark on the world but they don't know how but their actions are plenty enough to do so.
  • 2590 BCE

    Utanaptshtim tell Gilgamesh of a root the can restore youth

    Utanaptshtim tell Gilgamesh of a root the can restore youth
    After Gilgamesh fails his test of gaining immortality he begs for another chance so he takes pity on him and tell him about a special root that reverts your age back with one bite, later on when he finds the root she decides to rest to lay down his head but what he didn't see was a snake comes by and eats the roots and Gilgamesh is destroyed
    This shows that showing mercy then and now can be a kind gesture that can help the person and karma or there are things that you are not meant to have
  • 2585 BCE

    Gilgamesh meets Utanapishtim and fails the test given to him

    Gilgamesh meets Utanapishtim and fails the test given to him
    Gilgamesh makes it to the small island in the middle of the lake and meets the man who has eternal life and ask him to grant him the power of eternal life but Gilgamesh soon fell asleep and Utnapishtim tell his wife to bake a loaf of bread each time a day passes. he passes out for six day and say that he can't give the power of immortality now.
    Like now in our current time if you fail at something your reward is taken from even if you work hard at it failing is failing.
  • 2585 BCE

    Gilgamesh looks for the oldest man alive and the search for immortality

    Gilgamesh looks for the oldest man alive and the search for immortality
    After Enkidu's death Gilgamesh fears death and he goes out to find the oldest man to ever live the man's name is Utnapishtim he finds him in a lake surrounded by a lake of the dead water in Mount Mashu. He had slain the stone guardians that could only move through the waters so he get 3000 trees and turn them into oars for each times the gatekeeper moved each oar.
  • 2583 BCE

    Endiku dies and Gilgamesh goes in search of eternal life

    Endiku dies and Gilgamesh goes in search of eternal life
    After two weeks of Endiku being in his illness state he dies and Gilgamesh goes in search for eternal life so that he wouldn't die and that he could have a legacy. Like now people always want to leave a legacy behind them so that they can be remembered.
  • 2581 BCE

    Endiku becomes ill

    Endiku becomes ill
    Before Gilgamesh and Endiku go off to fight Humbaba Gilgameshhas a nightmare of Endiku becoming ill after killing Humbaba. Endiku see's the spirits of his ancestors in the spirit world, as now in our time we wish to see our ancestors and some people wish to have visions.
  • 2580 BCE

    Gilgamesh fights Endiku

    Gilgamesh fights Endiku
    Enkidu falls in love with a woman who is sent to make him a man and they fall in love and Gilgamesh wants to sleep with Enkidu's woman but Enkidu says that he will fight for her against his king for two whole days but Gilgamesh wins the fight but he decides not to sleep with Enkidu's woman and they become friends.
    This shows that respect is earned back in ancient times and in modern day respect is not given it is earned
  • 2580 BCE

    Enkidu and Gilgamesh hunt the demon Humbaba

    Enkidu and Gilgamesh hunt the demon Humbaba
    Humbaba was a demon Gilgamesh and Enkidu went to kill becuase they didn't want to glorify their name but the demon represented all the evils in the world so the y set out to kill him and claim some from the forest he lives in.
  • 2575 BCE

    Gilgamesh is punished by the gods

    Gilgamesh is punished by the gods
    Due to Gilgamesh's arrogance the gods had punished him by sending Enkidu the beast man, this was punishment for his arrogance against the gods, now in current times arrogance has a price of your job money and your life.
  • 2550 BCE

    Gilgamesh Becomes king

    Gilgamesh Becomes king
    This year the Man Gilgamsh became king of his kingdom of Uruk.
  • 2500 BCE

    Gilgamesh is born

    Gilgamesh is born
    On this the great king Gilgamesh was born from his mortal mother and god father.
  • 1800 BCE

    Epic of Gilgamesh

    Epic of Gilgamesh
    The tale of Gilgamesh is told