
Dutch, French, and British Early Explorers WSR 10

  • Jan 1, 1254

    Marco Polo Italian Explorer

    Marco Polo Italian Explorer
    Marco Polo was born in 1254. He was a Venetian merchant, he traveled all over. There was a book written about his travels called "Il Milione." He traveled all over Central Asia and China. He explored over there because he was a merchant looking for new trade routes, and for the silk trade. Marco Polo died on January 8, 1324.
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  • Jan 1, 1450

    John Cabot Secound To Find America

    John Cabot Secound To Find America
    John Cabot was an Italian explorer. He was a merchant, he also was an explorer. Cabot got sponsered by England to search for new lands. He was the first person to find America since the Norse. He claimed the land as Newfoundland. He discovered America by accident he was trying to get Asia.
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  • Dec 31, 1491

    Jacques Cartier French Expolerer

    Jacques Cartier French Expolerer
    Jacques is was the first person to claim Canada. HE was the first European to map Canada, so he is given the credit for discovering it. That is why Canada has a French background. He died on September 1st 1557.
  • Jan 1, 1540

    Henry Hudson English Sea Explorer

    Henry Hudson English Sea Explorer
    Henery Hudson on a mission to find a western route to Asia ended up exploring the New-york metropolitain area. Thus he started the Dutch colinination of the New York area. He also went on two other missions to discover to discover a northeast route to Aisa during this time he sailed around the artic circle. He died in 1611.
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  • Jan 1, 1540

    Francis Drake English Explorer

    Francis Drake English Explorer
    He was a man of many things, he was sea captin a privater, a slaver, naigator, and politition. Qween Elizibeth the 1st gave him knighthood in 1581. There was alot of conflict with the spanards and spainish people at this time. Francis most important mission was traveling to South America from the Pacific ocean, to explore the area. They got revenge of the spainish when they were there.
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  • Jan 1, 1554

    Walter Raleigh Man of Many Talents

    Walter Raleigh Man of Many Talents
    Walter was an English man, he was a spy, courtier, writer, poet, solider, as well as explorer. Queen Elizibeth 1st knighted him in 1585. He was a part of the Virginia colonisation. He was imprisioned multiple times. Also he begain searching City of Gold in Venezuela. He died in 1618.
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  • Jan 1, 1567

    Samuel de Champlain French Explorerer

    Samuel de Champlain French Explorerer
    was a man of many talents. He also helped start the first European settlement in Florida Port Royal. He also traveled to Canada to start the first French settlement there, now known as Quebec City. He also was the first Eiropean person to see the Great Lakes. He made many maps while he was there. He died on December 25 1635.

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  • James Cook Cartographer and Explorer

    James Cook Cartographer and Explorer
    James Cook was a British explorer, he was a man of the sea. When he was a teenager he was a part of the British Merchant Navy. He was also a map maker, he improved alot maps and made alot of new ones as well. On three of his voayges he traveled in uncharted waters and made maps of them. He was killed in Hawaii 1779, on an exploritory mission.
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  • George Vancouver British Royal Navy

    George Vancouver British Royal Navy
    George is best know for his expedition to America's North Pacific Coast area. He visited the coasts of British Columbia, Alaska, Washington and Oregon. His expedition took place from 1791 to 1795. He died on May 10th 1798
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  • Leif Ericson Norse Explorer

    Leif Ericson Norse Explorer
    Leif Ericson was born in somewhere in 970s to 980s in Iceland. He waws a Norse Explorer. Lief first traveled to Greenland to spread the word of Christianity. Leif phurchased a boat and made up a crew of 35 people and sailed to West of Greenland in search of land. Leif Ericson was the first person to discover America. Many people belive that Cape Cod could have been where they settled no one really knows.
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