Demmark kings

  • 948

    Gorm the old 948 - 958

    His kingdom encompassed Jutland, Schleswig, funen, Selandia, Laaland, Falleter, Skane and find. His power extended on an part of an island, it was not a unified and centralized kingdom, but formed by small communities, so Gorm was considered the head of these communities, and his power was limited. King Gorm received friendly To the missionaries sent by the German King, who turned Christianity to his wife.
  • 958

    Harald Blåtand 958 - 976

    King Gorm the old man and his wife, who ruled on Denmark, was born Harald, who became king when he happened from his father. Before the death of a king, other great men fought with each other for power. His name He was soon known throughout Scandinavia and was an important character in northern Europe, King Harald received the visit of a priest sent by the German people to convince him that only one God existed, but he had the need, and the priest was killed
  • 1014

    Harald II 1014 - 1018

    Harald II of Denmark was king of Denmark. Very few details of his life are known. He was the eldest son of Svend I of Denmark and Gunhilda of Wendia, and was regent of Denmark while his father fought against King Etelredo II the undecided in England. He inherited the Danish throne in 1014 and ruled him while his brother Canuto conquered England. At his death without offspring in 1018, he was happened by his brother Canuto. He had a son, Roderic Haraldsson Prince of Denmark.
  • 1018

    Canuto the big one 1018 – 1035

    Dmundo was forced by Canuto to give up all England except Wessex, but the death of Edmundo in November leaves Canut House with Aelfgifu Aelfhelmsdotter; This marriage, made according to the Danish laws, was not endorsed by the Catholic Church, so that the wife was considered a concubine by Christian canons.
  • 1035

    Canuto Hardeknut 1035 - 1042

    He happens to his father as king of Denmark and England at his death, but being in conflict with King Magnus I of Norway, he could not leave England to strengthen his authority there, so he had to name his half -brother Haroldo Harefoot. However, Haroldo is proclaimed king, having to accept him while he continued his fight against the Norwegian king, who finally reaches an agreement, for which it was stipulated that if Hardeknut died without offspring his heir would be King Magnus I.
  • 1042

    Magnus The Good 1042 - 1047

    Born and raised in the Rus of kyiv, whose help reconquered Norway, managing to expel Danish lieutenant Sveinn Knútson, son of Canuto El Grande, dead shortly before. , in case of not having heirs. In turn, the Norwegian King supported him against his half -brother Haroldo Harefoot, reigning in England. His ally, Magnus was chosen King of Denmark, a territory that defended against vendos and Slavs.
  • 1042

    Magnus the Good 1042 – 1047

    kyiv, with whose help he reconquered Norway, managing to expel the Danish lieutenant Sveinn Knútsson, son of Canute the Great, who died shortly before. He formalized an alliance with the new Danish sovereign Canute Hardeknut, who named Magnus his successor, in case he had no heirs . reigning in England His ally died, Magnus was elected king of Denmark, a territory that defended contravened and Slavs.
  • 1047

    Svend II 1047 – 1074

    Svend II Estridsson Ulfsson was King of Denmark. Son of Ulf Thorgilsson and Estrid Svendsdatter. On his father's side he belonged to a branch of the house of Munsö, of Swedish origin, and his mother was the eldest daughter of Svend I of Denmark and sister of Cnut the Great. Assumed the Danish throne on the death of Magnus I of Norway. Fought Harald III of Norway at the Battle of Niså; Harald claimed the throne of Denmark in his favor, he led an expedition against William I of England.