Samuel, Kings, Chronicles Timeline

  • 1050 BCE

    Saul Anointed

    Saul Anointed
    Saul was anointed by Samuel and not even in his own town.
  • Period: 1046 BCE to 1004 BCE

    King Sauls Reign

    Saul ruled for 42 years.
  • 1041 BCE

    Saul defeats the Ammonites

    Saul defeats the Ammonites
    Saul was told to kill everyone and everything, but Saul left some animals alive. He also left the King live. Because he did this none of his heirs would ever be King.
  • 1030 BCE

    David anointed King

    David anointed King
    Samuel went to Jesse's house and looked at all the son's. God said no to all of them but David. So Samuel anointed David King.
  • 1025 BCE

    David beat Goliath

    David beat Goliath
    He beat the giant Goliath. Because he did that he married Michal Saul's daughter.
  • 1022 BCE

    Jonathan and David become friends

    Jonathan and David become friends
    Jonathan submits to David's authority by giving David his spear and cloak. They make a promise to stay friends.
  • 1015 BCE

    Jonathan defeated the Phillistines

    Jonathan defeated the Phillistines
    He defeated the Phillistines when the Phillistines had the top of a hill and the Israelites had to climb a cliff. Again the odds the Israelites still won.
  • 1014 BCE

    Jonathan saves Davids Life

    Jonathan saves Davids Life
    Jonathon saves Davids life by shooting arrows which gave the a sign to David that Saul wan't happy. So David flees for his life.
  • Period: 1010 BCE to 970 BCE

    King David's Reign

    He reigned for 40 years in all. He reigned in 7 years in Hebron and 33 years in Jerusalem.
  • 992 BCE

    David and Bathsheba

    David and Bathsheba
    David committed adultery with Bathsheba. then he has Uriah killed in a battle. Bathsheba becomes his wife after Uriah dies.
  • Period: 990 BCE to 980 BCE

    David disagrees w/ Absalom

    Absalom killed Amnon after anon forced Tamar. King David then exiled Absalom for 5 years. H came back and won the hearts of the people. He tries to take over the throne. He dies in a battle against his father.
  • 985 BCE

    David brings the Ark of the Covenant

    David brings the Ark of the Covenant
    This is where David dances in the streets because he is so happy that the ark of the covenant is back at Jerusalem. When he gets home Michal mocks him for dancing. David then curses her and she can't have children.
  • 979 BCE

    David sins by counting the people

    David sins by counting the people
    David counted the people instead of relying on God to help him.
  • 975 BCE

    Sheba rises up against David

    Sheba rises up against David
    Sheba rises up against David to become King but doesn't succeed.
  • 974 BCE

    David gathers supplies for the Temple

    David gathers supplies for the Temple
    David had wanted to build the temple but God said that his son would build the temple. To help his son he began collecting supplies.
  • 972 BCE

    Solomon anointed King

    Solomon anointed King
    Priest Zadok anointed Solomon at the end of David's life.
  • Period: 970 BCE to 931 BCE

    King Solomon's Reign

    Solomon ruled over Israel 40 years.
  • 962 BCE

    Solomon judges the Two Women

    Solomon judges the Two Women
    Two women come to Solomon with a child. Solomon determines which woman is the child's mother by how much love she showed to the child.
  • 956 BCE

    Queen of Sheba comes to Solomon

    Queen of Sheba comes to Solomon
    She comes to see if Solomon is as smart as her people are telling her. She wanted to see if it was true, and it was. She was answered every question.
  • 940 BCE

    Jeroboam flees from Solomon

    Jeroboam rose up against King Solomon. Then Solomon tried to kill Jeroboam, but he flew to Egypt.
  • Period: 931 BCE to 910 BCE

    Jeroboam's Reign {Israel}

    He ruled for 21 yrs.
  • Period: 931 BCE to 914 BCE

    Rehoboam's Reign {Judah}

    Rehoboam didn't obey God. He would do something wrong then get the consequence. When he was in the midst of the consequence he would cry out to God and follow him for a. little. Then Repeat.
  • 923 BCE

    Levites and Priests come to Jerusalem

    Levites and Priests come to Jerusalem
    Jeroboam earlier had cast them out. He then put new priest in.
  • 921 BCE

    King of Egypt takes treasures

    King of Egypt takes treasures
    The King of Egypt came up against Rehoboam, because he had made Jeroboams work more. The King took treasures from the house of God and Rehoboams house.
  • Period: 913 BCE to 911 BCE

    Abijam's Reign {Judah}

    He ruled for 2 years.
  • 912 BCE

    War between Abijam & Jeroboam

    War between Abijam & Jeroboam
    Jeroboam had ambushed them and circled them. Then when Abijam's army cried out to God. God heard them and struck down Jeroboam and his army.
  • Period: 911 BCE to 870 BCE

    Asa's Reign {Judah}

    He ruled for 41 yrs.
  • Period: 909 BCE to 885 BCE

    Baasha Reigns {Israel}

    He ruled for 24 years.
  • Period: 886 BCE to 885 BCE

    Elah's Reign

    He ruled for less than one year.
  • Period: 885 BCE to 874 BCE

    Omri's Reign { Israel}

    He ruled for 11 years.
  • 874 BCE

    Ahab becomes King

    Ahab becomes King
    Ahab becomes King after his father Omri died.
  • Period: 874 BCE to 853 BCE

    Ahab's reign {Israel}

    He ruled for 21 years.
  • Period: 870 BCE to 848 BCE

    Jehoshaphat's Reign {Judah}

    He ruled for 22 years
  • 865 BCE

    King Ahab on Mt. Carmel

    King Ahab on Mt. Carmel
    King Ahab brings prophets of Baal to meet Elijah on the Most Carmel. They would supply a burnt offering but their God had to light it. Whoever's God started the sacrifice was the one true God. Elijah prayed and God sent sown fire from heaven and burned up the sacrifice. Then the prophets go Baal were seized.
  • 863 BCE

    King Jehoshaphat allies with Ahab

    King Jehoshaphat allies with Ahab
    They allied with each other and went to battle against Syria. This is where King Ahab died.
  • 857 BCE

    God defeats Moab & Ammon for King Jehoshaphat

    King Jehoshaphat an this people call out to God and God Ddestrys their enemy.
  • Period: 855 BCE to 855 BCE

    Zimri's Reign {Israel}

    He reigned for less than one year.
  • 853 BCE

    King Ahab dies

    King Ahab dies
    He dies when he allies with King Josphphat and in war he gets killed.
  • Period: 853 BCE to 852 BCE

    Ahaziah's Reign

    He reined for less than one year.
  • 852 BCE

    King Jehoshaphat build ships with Ahaziah

    They worked to gather to build ships, but Because Jehoshaphat worked with the wicked Ahaziah the ships never sailed.
  • Period: 852 BCE to 845 BCE

    Queen Athaliah Reign {Israel}

    She ruled for 7 years.
  • 851 BCE

    Jehosheba hid Joash from the Queen

    Jehosheba hid Joash from the Queen
    Because he Queen wanted to kill this baby because the baby was in line to be King.
  • 851 BCE

    Elisha succeeding Elijah

    Elisha succeeding Elijah
    Elisha takes over was Elijah had been doing.
  • Period: 848 BCE to 848 BCE

    Ahaziah's Reign

    He ruled for less than one year.
  • Period: 848 BCE to 840 BCE

    Jehoram Reign {Judah}

    He ruled for 8 years.
  • 845 BCE

    Elisha & the Shaunimite woman

    Elisha & the Shaunimite woman
    Elisha stays with the woman many times and they God gives her a son. When the son is still and boy he dies and Elisha brings him back to life with Gods power.
  • 842 BCE

    Elisha and Naaman

    Elisha and Naaman
    Naaman came to Elisha and asked to be healed but Elisha told him to wash in the Jordan River 7 times. he didn't want to at first but then he does it and gets healed.
  • Period: 841 BCE to 814 BCE

    Jehu's Reign {Judah}

    He ruled for 27 years.
  • Period: 814 BCE to 774 BCE

    Joash's Reign {Judah}

    Joash became King over Judah when he was 7 years old. Joash reigned 40 years. He did what is right in the Lord's eyes and he restored the House of the Lord. He had Zechariah the son of Jehoiada killed. Because of that his servants killed him when he was badly wounded.
  • Period: 802 BCE to 785 BCE

    Jehoahaz's Reign {Isreal}

    Jehoahaz reigned over Israel and he reigned seventeen years. He did what was evil in the sight of the Lord and followed the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin. He was often defeated by the King of Syria. He cried out to God and God listened to him because Syria was oppressing Israel. He died and was buried in Samaria.
  • Period: 785 BCE to 769 BCE

    Jehoash's Reign {Israel}

    Jehoash the son of Jehoahaz began to reign over Israel and he reigned for 16 years. He also did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. He did not depart from all the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin. He fought against Amaziah king of Judah and beat Judah. He was with Elisha before Elisha died. He fought and defeated Syria 3 times. He died and was buried in Samaria.
  • Period: 774 BCE to 745 BCE

    Amaziah's Reign {Judah}

    Amaziah reigned over Judah twenty nine years in Jerusalem. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, yet not with a whole heart. He put to death the servants who had killed his father. He defeated the Edomites and took their gods and worshiped them. Israel defeated Judah and captured Amaziah. He was assassinated at Lachish.
  • Period: 769 BCE to 728 BCE

    Jeroboam's Reign {Israel}

    Jeroboam reigned in Israel for forty-one years. He did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. He did not depart from sins he made Israel sin. He restored the border of Israel from Lebo-hamath as far as the Sea of the Arabah. For the Lord saw that the affliction of Israel was very bitter and there was none to help Israel. But the Lord had not said that he would blot out the name of Israel from under heaven, so he saved them by the hand of Jeroboam.
  • Period: 745 BCE to 693 BCE

    Azariah Reign's {Judah}

    He reigned for 48 years.
  • Period: 708 BCE to 708 BCE

    Shallum's Reign {Israel}

    He reined 1 month.
  • Period: 708 BCE to 698 BCE

    Menahem's Reign {Israel}

    He reigned 10 years.
  • Period: 707 BCE to 707 BCE

    Zechariah's Reign {Israel}

    He reined for 6 months.
  • Period: 695 BCE to 693 BCE

    Pekahiah's Reign {Israel}

    He reigned for 2 years.
  • Period: 693 BCE to 673 BCE

    Pekah's Reign {Israel}

    he reigned for 20 years.
  • Period: 691 BCE to 675 BCE

    Jotham's Reign {Judah}

    He ruled for 16 years.
  • Period: 676 BCE to 660 BCE

    Ahaz's Reign {Judah}

    He ruled for 16 years.
  • Period: 664 BCE to 655 BCE

    Hoshea's Reign {Israel}

    He ruled for 9 years.
  • Period: 661 BCE to 632 BCE

    Hezekiah's Reign {Judah}

    He ruled for 29 years.
  • 647 BCE

    God adds 15 years to Hezekiah's life

    God adds 15 years to Hezekiah's life
    Hezekiah gets really sick and God tells him he id going to die. Then Hezekiah calls out to God and begs him for more life and God grants him 15 more years.
  • Period: 632 BCE to 577 BCE

    Manasseh's Reign {Judah}

    He ruled for 45 years.
  • 602 BCE

    Manasseh repented and knew that the Lord was God

    Manasseh repented and knew that the Lord was God
    Manasseh had been doing wrong all his life bu then he repent and the Bible says that he knew that the Lord was God.
  • Period: 577 BCE to 575 BCE

    Amon's Reign

    He ruled for 2 years.
  • Period: 575 BCE to 544 BCE

    Josiah's Reign {Judah}

    He reigned for 32 years. He was 8 when he became King. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. He also cleansed the temple.
  • Period: 544 BCE to 544 BCE

    Jehoahaz's Reign {Judah}

    He reigned 3 months.
  • Period: 543 BCE to 532 BCE

    Jehoiakim's Reign {Judah}

    He was a brother to the King of Egypt. He did what was evil in the sight of the Lord.
  • Period: 532 BCE to 532 BCE

    Jehoiachin's Reign {Judah}

    He reigned for 3 month and 10 days. He did what was evil in the sight of the Lord.
  • Period: 532 BCE to 521 BCE

    Zedekiah's Reign {Judah}

    He was the brother of King Nebuchadnezzar. He reined for 11 years. He did what was evil in the sight of the Lord.