Daniel Perez

  • Move from Texas to Florida

    Move from Texas to Florida
    Paul was on his way to Florida from Texas. Before he left his Imagination of a zombie following him representing that he was part of the family and that problems follow you no matter where they go
  • New house

    New house
    He heard noise at night when it was dark. THe sound that he heard were explosion. He heard the noise more than one time.he felt like the walls were shaking. He woke up went out side he smelled the air there was lots of gray smoke.
  • Thunder storm

    Thunder storm
    he woke up he could here the lighting striking. Later that day it got really hot. the sun was hitting there front porch. Paul said that it was a that it felt like 100 out there.
  • try outs

    try outs
    Coach Warner was holding Three day Tryouts. Erik went to the try outs. His dad was taking to the coach about Erik and how he scored 9 points a game.Paul said that he did not know why his dad liked football. He had played in the junior league and he did not like it.
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    Paul was ready for school. He left the house at around 7:30. He got on the bus then he had a memorrie. He did the same thing when he was back in Houston.The first class that he went to was science with Mr.Alvarez Paul said that it did not look real.
  • New friends

    New friends
    paul is in his room on the computer he is just listening to Erik kicking the ball to a net.Arthur is Erik new friend. He has a sister her name is paige. Paul thinks that that will be Erik new girl friend. And then there is Tina. THet are all by the smoke. in the after noon. Paul mom has already seach about them.
  • pratice

    Paul heard on the anacmentes that there would be soccer tryouts the next day. He already had his gear. Then when he got home he called Joey to tell him if he wanted to run he said yes. They would meet at 6:30.After they were done Joey told him if he was going to tryouts he said yes.
  • Soccer Tryouts

    Soccer Tryouts
    Paul last class of the day was with Mrs.Bridges. He does not like that class.when the bell rang he grabed his bag and went to his soccer tryouts. They got there and joey stared to tell him who they were. Then he told him that in the away games they could only take 15 people. THen the were taking shots at paul. They kicked it hard. He blocked Gino shot.
  • The death

    The death
    They got home. then they told then that mike had died. He was on Ericks football team.Mike died when they were at practice. Erick dad called 911. They got there they were trying to start his hart. but it did not work.He was already dead.
  • Agument

    paul mom was thinking that because Mike died they would not have school.But they did they even had football practice. His mom did not want Erick to play football. When paul went to soccer practice there was kids taking about it. Paul was thinking what if Erick died.He would not want Erick to die. His mom and dad were taking about how he should not play football. But his dad wanted him to play football.
  • The metting

    The metting
    Paul mom was calling all the moms that she new had a son on the football team. She had a really big list.They were going to have a meeting with the coach and anybody that wanted to come.They were taking about how they should not have practice during a storm.They were going to move practice to the morning. so there would be no thunder at that time of the day.
  • kicked of the team

    kicked of the team
    Paul was at soccer practice.They called him over. The coach told him that he was of the team. He got of the team because he was in a program for people that are handicap. Then he stared to cry. THen he went to the front and he saw his mom. He also saw his dad. He told them that he got kicked of the team.The mom said that his dad would talk to the coach.