Che Guevara

  • Birth

    Che Guevara was born in Rosario a city of the province of Santa Fe in Argentina.
    His parents were,Ernesto Guevara Lynch y Celia de la Serna.
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    Due to his problem with asthma, he and his family moved to the city of Alta Gracia in Córdoba, where he attended secondary school and primary school.
    His family were aristocrats and they opposed to the government of Juan Domingo Perón (president of Argentina) who was supported by the work class. Although his anti imperialism ideology he refused the communist ideas.
    The business of his father suffered great losses, this made the family move to Buenos Aires to the house of her later grandmother.
  • University career

    University career
    He started studying medicine in the university of Buenos Aires.
    And he started working as an assistant in a specialized allergy clinic dedicated to asthma research, directed by Dr. Salvador Pisani. At the Faculty of Medicine he met Berta Gilda Tita Infante, a communist university activist from Cordo. He ended up enrolling in medicine.
  • His journey along the South American cost.

    His journey along the South American cost.
    was hired as a paramedic on board in the fleet of the Argentine state oil company Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales (YPF).
  • His first journey along South america

    His first journey along South america
    It was a 7 month trip together Alberto Granado (Guevara's friend) throughout South America, from San Francisco, Cordoba (Argentina), to Miami. They did it by hitchhiking, bicycle and motorcycle.
    In Lima they established a relationship with Hugo Pesce, doctor and leader of the Peruvian Communist Party, this relationship influenced Guevara's political thinking. This trip helped him establish direct contact with the most marginalized and exploited social sectors in Latin America.
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    Second journey along South America.

    He went with Carlos Calica Ferrer and the goal was to go to Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, to meet Alberto Granado, a friend of his. When they arrived in Ecuador Guevara decided to go to Guatemala to see the revolution of Jacobo Arbenz. Then they went to Costa Rica, Guevara returned to Guatemala where he would live for 9 months and finally he would go to Mexico where he developed his political ideas.
  • His stay in Guatemala

    His stay in Guatemala
    He was in Guatemala for 9 months, where he experienced a coup and the dictatorship of Carlos Castillo Armas. At that time Guatemala received many exiles and that is why he met a group of Cuban exiles. During his stay his political ideas began to be more communist.
    He signed up for the communist brigades that patrolled the streets at night and for the sanitary brigades. When the dictatorship began, he took refuge in the Argentine embassy
  • Period: to

    His stay in Mexico

    During these two years Ernesto joined the July 26 movement as a doctor, this organization was created by Fidel Castro and his brother Raúl, (who made Guevara join) after leaving prison, whose goal was to overthrow the president of Cuba, they were anti imperialism.
    He then took part in the guerrilla warfare training, created by the Spaniard Alberto Bayo. He was arrested and confessed that they were preparing for a Cuban revolution and that he was a communist, but was later released.
  • Guevara goes to Cuba.

    Guevara goes to Cuba.
    After being released in Mexico, 82 two men, including Fidel Castro and his brother, headed for Cuba. They left the port of Tuxpan, on a yacht called Grandma.
  • Arrival to Sierra Maestra (Cuba) and creation of "Radio Rebelde".

    Arrival to Sierra Maestra (Cuba) and creation of "Radio Rebelde".
    When they arrived in Cuba, Pio's army of joy attacked them, leaving only 12 people in the group.
    The group settled in Sierra Maestra and began to receive support from the community and recruited more guerrillas.
    And the Che created the "Radio rebelde", a radio created for report about the news in Cuba and the world during the revolution.
  • Battle of Santa Clara

    Battle of Santa Clara
    In this battle that lasted three days, the victory of the rebels against the dictatorship of Batista Záldivar was achieved, the victory was achieved thanks to Guevara, who led the army of the rebels. Guevara ordered the army to attack from the south, this made Barista send a train with merchandise for his army to convince. Guevara stopped the delivery of those weapons, boycotted the train, thanks to the help of the peasants they threw Molotov cocktails inside the train at Che's orders.
  • They enter to La Habana

    They enter to La Habana
    Che made his entrance, and on Sunday, January 8, Fidel Castro entered the capital victoriously.
    Che's parents arrive in Cuba on Monday, 6 years after the last meeting with their son.
    On January 21, Hilda Gadea and Hildita come to live in Havana
    For the following years Ernesto will be form part of the government.
  • Started visiting the URSS and no Lineal countries.

    Started visiting the URSS and no Lineal countries.
    He went to the 47th anniversary of the October revolution in the USSR, then he traveled to Yugoslavia, China, Mali, Congo, Guinea, Ghana, Benin, Tanzania, Egypt and Algeria.
    He went to these countries to support anti-imperialism, since he thought that eliminating it in South America, Asia and Africa would end it throughout the world.
  • Goes to the Congo

    Goes to the Congo
    He arrived in the Congo, during an anti-colonial struggle against Belgium and various tribal clashes.
    According to Che, the Congo would be the perfect starting point to take the "guerrilla war" to the entire continent and to the rest of the so-called "Third World" countries. He led a group of Cuban guerrillas, began their military operations. Despite some successful battles, the disorganization of the local troops and the lack of knowledge of the terrain lead him to defeat
  • Bolivia

    After his travels, he went to Bolivia and joined an armed struggle organization to fight against the dictatorship of General René Barrientos.
    His objective was "the creation of the Second or Third Vietnam of the world” with the military and economic support of Cuba. He began several operations against the Bolivian military near the Ñancahuazú river. The CIA detected his presence and organized his capture since going against of imperialism was a threat to the United State
  • Death of Guevara

    Death of Guevara
    On October 8, 1967, the Revolutionary Commander was wounded, captured and taken to the little school in La Higuera. It was then that on October 9, 1967 (with 39 years), Sargento Mario Terán shot Che Guevara the day after his capture.
    He was exposed in the laundry room, so that the American correspondents could certify that the Latin American revolutionary was indeed dead.