progrress report 1
This is the day that Charlie Gordon starts his recordings of everything he does as instructed by Dr. Strauss. Dr. Strauss told him that "it's important so they will see if they will use me." (371). Miss Kinnian had also made a comment about how they could make him smart. -
progress report 2
Charlie took his first test today. "I think I faled," he said (371). "I think that maybe now they wont use me." (371). During the test there was a young man with white cards that had ink spilled all over them. He was asking what Charlie saw on each card. -
progress report 4
"Their going to use me! Im so excited I can hardly write," said Charlie Gordon (374). Dr. Nemur was afraid about using him, but Dr. Strauss recommended him to Dr. Nemur so he deicided to use him for the experiment. -
progress report 5
Charlie is very scared going into the procedure because everyone keeps wishing him luck and giving him candy. Charlie wants to be able to beat Algernon in the race after the procedure, and Dr Strauss said that it might be possible. "If the operashun works Ill show that mouse I can be as smart as he is. Maybe smarter," said Charlie in hopes of the operation working as planned (375). -
Progress report 7
charlie is now very upset because there have not yet been any affects from the procedure. He feels as if nothing is happening. After taking many races with Algernon he said "I hate that mouse. He always beats me." (376). -
Progress report 8; March 23rd
Charlie starts to work at the factory again for the first time in a while. Charlie shows that he is happy to go back to his old life when he said "Im glad Im going back to work because I miss my job and all my frends and all the fun we have there." (376). -
March 25th
Charlie had a lot of fun at the factory today. Charlie's friends were joking around with him, but Charlie couldn't tell him that much about the operation because Dr. Strauss told him not to. Joe Carp said "hey look where Charlie had his operashun what did they do Charlie put some brains in," wondering about the details of the procedure. -
March 28-29
Today Dr. Strauss comes to Charlie's room and gives him a TV-like gift in order to make Charlie smarter. Charlie is not very fond of the gift though. An example of when Charlie is frustrated with the gift is when he says, "That Crazy TV kept me up all night. How can I sleep with something yelling crazy things all night in my ears." -
Progress Report 9
Today, Charlies friends, Joe Carp and Frank Reilly, brought him to a party today. His friends were teaching him how to impress the ladies and they were forcing him to drink a lot. The next day, Charlie doesn't remember how the night ended, but all he remembers is that "A nice cop brot me back home. Thats what my landlady Mrs. Flynn says." -
April 6
Today is the first day that Charlie has beaten the mouse Algernon! Algernon has been Charlies enemy for a while now because he could never beat him but today Charlie realized that both he was getting smarter, and that the mouse is actually very nice and kind. "I wanted to race Algernon some more but Bert said thats enough for one day," said Charlie after racing Algernon, the witty rat, eight times. -
April 16
This is the day that Charlie is taught how to use a comma, and what it is. He learned many tricks in order to learn this piece of information. "This is a comma (,) a period, with a tail, Miss Kinnian, says its importent, because, it makes writng, better, she said, somebody, could lose, a lot of money, if a comma, isnt, in the, right place, I dont have , any money, and I dont see, how a comma, keeps you, from losing it," said Charlie while explaining how to use a comma and why it's important. -
May 29
Charlie is now much smarter than before the procedure and has been doing a lot of research and today was given a lab of his own by Dr. Strauss in order to work on his experiments. "I've had a cot moved into the lab," says Charlie not realizing that he is doing so much research. -
March 25
Charlie's smarts have been going downhill ever since the peak of his knowledge, and he is just beginning to understand this when he looks back at some of his old progress reports and he can't understand many of the words that he had written in the past. "I can make out some of the wordsbut they dont make sense," he said afetr reading his progress reports.