Puyol was a very couragous leader. He would do anything to help his team. In a game he was the last man standing, the goalkeeper had been left behind and the opposing rival had an open goal, as he shot, Puyol got in the way and deflected the shot with his chest withouth flinching. -
Acceps and Uses Power Wisely
He was named captain of the team, and instead of being driven by the power of being captain, he took responsiblity and was able to lead the team to great things. -
Humble Leader
Puyol was a very humble leader. He never focused on himself. He always thinked of achievements as a result of teamwork and not individuality. A great act of his humbleness was when he gave the captains band to Eric Abidal in the final minutes of the UEFA Champions League final in 2011 to let him lift the cup after defeating cancer. -
Has a Great Sense of Humor
Like all great leaders, Puyol was well known for being very charismatic and humoristic. He once jokingly said in an interview that he planned on playing until he was "65 or 67 years old". -
Shows a great display of fair play
Fair Play Like all great leaders, Puyol knows not to make a big deal over soemthing insignificant. In the video we can see how he pushes his own teammate away from a rival since he was about to start making an issue over something unimportant. -
Committed Leader
Puyol's Commitment
Puyol was very committed to his work. Most players get distracted by minorities that could prevent them from playing but are simple to overcome. In this video, we see how he stops a player from his team from whining about a lighter on the field so he just grabs it, throws it away, and tells him to focus on the game. -
Positive and Hope-Filled
In the last match of the season, Barcelona were forced to win, they were loosing at half time and Puyol gave an amazing motivational speech and led the team to beat their rivals and lifted the title.