Byzantine Empier by Valentina Martínez

  • 306

    Constantine the Great

    Constantine the Great
  • Period: 306 to 337

    Constantine the Great

    Constantine was the fist Christian emperor, he live from 272 to 337. He protected and defend Christians, also he make the Edict of Milan. Constantine also change and make a new capital, called Constantinople.
  • 379


  • Period: 379 to 395

    Theodosius the Great

    Theodosius the Great was born in 347 and died of edma in 395. He had god alliances and combat the Goths. Theodosius had an excellence military traiment and was really great at it. He became Christian and protect them. Also, he constructed the Theodisian walls.
  • 527

    Justinian I

    Justinian I
  • 527


  • Period: 527 to 565


    Theodora was born in 497 to 565, she was the wife of Justinian. She organized the rights of women, she stop the trafficking of young women.
  • Period: 527 to 565

    Justinian I

    Justinian the Great was born in 483 and died 565. He was highly educated. Justinian created The Hagia Sophie, Hippodrome, and the Theodosues Wall. He marry Theodora and put laws of protection for slaves and womens. He combated and kill the rebels of the Nika Riots.
  • 610

    Emperor Heraclius

    Emperor Heraclius
  • Period: 610 to 641

    Emperor Heraclius

    Heraclius was born in 575 and die in 641. One of his most important achievements was that he introduced Greek as the official language. Also, the previous emperor has lot of lost of territory so Heraclius recuperate it.He perfom the Battle Nineveh.
  • 798

    Emperor Irene

    Emperor Irene
  • Period: 798 to 803

    Emperor Irene

    Irene was born in 752 and died in 803. She was the first female emperor. She did great things like lower taxes and make two councils. Irene was born in a noble family and was consider a saint by the Othodox church.
  • 976

    Basil II

    Basil II
  • Period: 976 to 1025

    Basil II

    Basil was born in 958 to 1025. He was an excellent emperor and had the empire in their best moments. He make alliance with Russia. Also, he fought and kill the Bulgarians.
  • 1028

    Zoe Porphyrogenita

    Zoe Porphyrogenita
  • Period: 1028 to 1042

    Zoe Porphyrogenita

    Zoe was born in 978 and died in 1050. Zoe ruled with other co-enperors, she also created a new coin. Another achivement she increse more power to the senate. One of her co-emperor was Theodora her sister but she send her to a monastery to have all the power.