Exposition 1, 2, & 3
Eric Hayes is the new guy who is in the seventh grade at Bellport Central Middle School. He just moved from Ohio and into Bellport, Long Island. At Bellport, he met: Cody, David, Griffin, Mary, Drew, and more. -
Rising Action 1
While Eric played basketball by himself, he was surprised by a kid named David Hallenback covered in ketchup running across the basketball court towards the dog cemetary. -
Period: to
School Year- My Guess
This is the timespan of Eric Hayes year in seventh grade at Bellport Central Middle School. At least this is what I think it is. -
Rising Action 2
While Mrs. Hayes, Eric, and his little brother, Rudy, went to the grocery store, the family met Griffin there. Since Griffin said that he worked at the store by carring groceries to peoples' cars, Eric's mom decided to leave Eric with him. After Eric's mom left, Griffin and Eric continue to help the elderly. As they were helping on woman, while she wasn't looking, Griffin stole somthing from her car . -
Rising Action 3
Griffin had gotten a black eye from his father beating him. So during recess that day, David Hallenback had annoyed him and his group by nagging Griffin about his black eye. In result of that, Griffin and his friends did a type of fight move called "pretzel." Technically, he was beating David up. -
Rising Action 4
As Griffin and Eric are hanging out with each other at Eric's house, Eric went to go get some pretzels. When he came back, Griffin was gone. When Griffin came back, he said he went to the bathroom. Later that night, turns out that Rudy's $27 from his piggy bank and Eric's CD that his father gave him were gone. -
Rising Action 5
Griffin starts to shun and turn away from Eric. Not even letting him sit in his usual seat at lunch. -
Eric was trying to persuade David that he shouldn't get near and be friends with Griffin because David gets beat up by him. As he was trying to lure him, he blurts out that " Griffin is a bad guy!" This was a gut feeling that just rose up in him. And he was so surprised by that. -
Falling Action 1
There was a big fight between Eric and Cody because he called him a " weasel." Eric got pretty beat up after. In the end, David decided to start kicking Eric in the stomach with his hiking boots on. -
Falling Action
After the big fight, Griffin soon seemed to become enemies with Eric. So, Griffin decided to steal Eric's bike before Eric reached the bike rack. -
Falling Action 3
Also, in Griffin's continuing wrath of anger, he had accused of Eric of bringing a weapon to school. The principals and police officer all went to check if this is true. It turned out to be wrong. Later, Griffin threatend to actually put a weapon into Eric's locker because he knows it. -
Resolution 1 & 2
Eric hatches up a plan to catch Griffin and make him stop stealing and being a bully. This plan works and Griffin gets caught. -
Falling Action 3
Everything turns out ok and Griffin is sought to get help because of his father being abusive and his stealing and bullying problems.