Brian Babusch

  • Identity versus Identity Confusion

    John decides join the military like is father. He looks up to his father and believes in serving his country. John has found his place in the culture and he is aware of his capabilities and knows what he wants to do. He has overcome confusion by knowing his strengths and his culture.
  • Intimacy versus Isolation

    John (26) falls in love and marries Tara (25). They plan to start a family. John is uniting his new identity with another person in a committed relationship. He is strong enough to not to lose his identity when becoming emotionally close to someone.
    John is willing to share his identity and not isolate himself by not having an intimate relationship.
  • Generativity versus Stagnation

    John (41) has two kids and and is a loving father. He retires from military and goes back to college to start a second career. John has provided for his wife and family. He has raised a two boys and taken care of their needs. He is also starting a new career path in order to provide for his family.

    John will continue to support his family and earn a new job giving him a new purpose in life which will avoid stagnation.