Sea fight isla cruces 11

Spanish Exploration

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus’ First Voyage

    Columbus’ First Voyage
    Christopher Columbus was hoping to find a route to India, in order to trade spices, he set sail on August 3,1492, he never found the route, instead he found the new world, what he found was important because he started exploration and he also started the first exploration of the "New World"
  • 1519

    Cortes Voyage

    Cortes Voyage
    Cortes conquered the Aztecs in the aztec empire and has led many people to explore North and South america for gold and he also claimed Mexico for Spain
  • 1519

    Pineda’s Voyage

    Pineda’s Voyage
    Pineda commanded a Spanish expedition that sailed along the Gulf of Mexico coastline from Florida to Mexico. He was important because he was the first to map the Gulf Coast (Florida to Texas)
  • Jun 17, 1527

    DeVaca Voyage Part 1 Start Day

    DeVaca Voyage Part 1 Start Day
    Esteban was the leader of De Vaca and the goal for this exploration was to explore the Gulf Coast and search Florida for gold
  • Jun 17, 1527

    DeVaca Discovers Texas

     DeVaca Discovers Texas
    Cabeza De Vaca discovered texas because he shipwrecked on it, he was there for 8 years and he met the karankawas
  • 1539

    Fray Marcos and Esteban Journey

    Fray Marcos and Esteban Journey
    The purpose of this journey is to explore the north of this land, Esteban ends up getting killed by the zuni people, Fray Marcos goes ahead and sees one of the "seven cities of gold and reports it back.
  • 1540

    Coronado's Expedition

    Coronado's Expedition
    Coronado's guide was The Turk,The Turk got killed by coronado because he gave him false information about the "7 cities of gold" and took him to a fake "7 cities of gold". Coronado discovered the Grand Canyon, his importance was he reported that texas was bad and it didn't have gold
  • 1542

    Moscoso's Expedition

    Moscoso's Expedition
    Moscoso's leader was De Soto, he dies of a fever and Moscoso reports that texas has nothing to offer and it has no gold because of that report they would not return for 150 years