bible timeline

  • Period: 2000 BCE to 10 BCE


  • 200 BCE

    davids census

    he sent a decree overall the land that he wanted a census
  • 200 BCE

    david builds altar

    he sinned a great but he repented and he built and altar
  • 180 BCE

    solomon asks for wisdom

    sleeping one night and God appeared to him in a dream
    and asked him what he wanted he asked for wisdom
  • 160 BCE

    solomon build temple

    he had great wealth and he built the temple of the Lord and it was really nice
  • 140 BCE

    Reigned in isreal

    the kingdom was split and he ruled half of it
  • 135 BCE

    Elah reigns in isreal

    was drinking wine and getting drunk and someone came and killed him
  • 130 BCE

    solomon died

    slept with his fathers
  • 120 BCE

    ahab in isreal

    he was a big baal worshipper
  • 115 BCE

    Jehoshaphat Reigns In Judah

    He walked after the Lord and in is power.
  • 115 BCE

    Jehoshaphat Reforms

    he asked the Lord to forgive and the Lord heard his cries
  • 114 BCE

    allies with ahab

    so that they could be stronger he allied with ahab
  • 110 BCE

    Ahab dies in battle

    He went up to RAmoth gilead and died in battle
  • 110 BCE

    Jehu kills a whole bunch of bad that were in isreal

    he was for God and he killed a ton of people that hated God
  • 110 BCE

    Ahaziah killed

    he was the son of Ahab but then he was killed by Jehu because he was not a righteous man
  • 110 BCE

    Joash reigns as king

    repaired the temple followed after God for a while but not that long
  • 110 BCE

    Amaziah king of isreal

    did what was right in the eyes of the Lord but not with his whole heart.
  • 110 BCE

    Jehoash king of isreal

    did what was right all the days of his life
  • 110 BCE

    jehoaz king of isreal

    he did what was evil in the sight of the Lord
  • 110 BCE

    Elisha takes over for Elijah

    Elijah gets carried by a whirlwind to heaven so Elisha takes over
  • 110 BCE

    Jehoram slept with his father in the city of David

    He died and he was buried
  • 110 BCE

    Athaliah was bad

    She was a really bad person follower of baal
  • 100 BCE

    ahazariah king

    good king of Judah reigned for 52 years
  • 100 BCE


    bad king reigned for 6 months
  • 100 BCE


    king of samaria bad reigned for 6 months
  • 100 BCE


    ruled samaria 10 years bad king
  • 100 BCE


    samaria bad two years
  • 100 BCE


    samaria bad 20 years
  • 100 BCE


    judah good 16 years
  • 100 BCE


    judah good 16 years
  • 100 BCE


    king of samaria bad nine years
  • 100 BCE


    brought up the bad idols again
  • 100 BCE


    reigned for two years and was bad
  • 100 BCE

    josiah started reigning when he was eight years old

    he reigned 31 years and did what was right in the sight of the Lord
  • 100 BCE

    jehoaz king

    reigned for three months and was killed
  • 90 BCE


    reigned for eleven years and did what was evil in the sight of the Lord
  • 90 BCE

    jehoiakim king of isreal

    reigned for eleven years and did what was evil int he sight of the Lord
  • 90 BCE

    jehoiachin king

    reigned for three months and a couple days and did what was evil in the sight of the Lord
  • 80 BCE

    zedekiah king

    reigned for eleven years and did what was evil in the sight of the Lord
  • 100

    Ahab killed in battle

    He died when he went up to Ra-moth Gilead and the dogs licked his blood.
  • 100


    did what was evil in the sight of the Lord
  • 115

    Miciah prophesies against Ahab

    he was a true prophet of God and Ahab did not like him
  • 115

    Ahab gets defeated and dies in battle

    he was a very wicked king and he died in battle during Jehosaphat's rule
  • 115

    Ahab steals naboth's vineyard

    killed naboth and took his vineyard
  • 115

    Ahab repents

    He repented for stealing naboth's vineyard and he humbled himself before God
  • 140

    Asa reign

    the kingdom of isreal split and he got half of it
  • 140

    Someone says to Asa the Lord is with you

    the Lord is with you and you with Him but if you forsake him he will forsake you.
  • 145

    zimri reigns in isreal

    he only reigned seven days
  • 145

    omri reigns in isreal

    reigned for 22 years in samaria