
By FioreA
  • 7011 BCE

    Event 10

    Event 10
    Throughout the battle with the dragon, Beowulf had suffered deadly wounds thought the fight. Beowulf had killed the dragon, but he had scariest his own life to save the people in the town. When he passed away, Beowulf wanted to be cremated and buried. Beowulf also wanted them to build tower to remember him. Its was called “Beowulf tower”. That tower is where he had died, and he wants the people to remember him as a great warrior and fought to the death.
  • 7010 BCE

    Event 9

    Event 9
    When the dragon can to the town Beowulf had to go fight the dragon. Beowulf is also way older now. His battle men where suppose to go fight the dragon with Beowulf, but they didn't not show up, they all abandon him. Expect for Wiglaf. Wiglaf was the only one who stayed with Beowulf to fight the dragon.
  • 7009 BCE

    Event 8

    Event 8
    Many years later Grendel mothers son (the dragon) woke up and began to breath fire all over the Geatland. The dragon started to kill the people in the Greatland.
  • 7008 BCE

    Event 7

    Event 7
    The king of the Geats has died and Beowulf had taken over the Geatland as the new king
  • 7007 BCE

    Event 6

    Beowulf and Grendel's mother fight. Beowulf noticed it was a tougher match than he expected. After grabbing a the giant's sword, he gave Grendels mother the sword, because he was seduce and weak by the mother
  • 7006 BCE

    Event 5

    Event 5
    Beowulf travels to Grendel's mother place hiding place so he can go fight her. After hours of swimming underwater, he comes to an underwater world, and meets Grendel's mother.
  • 7005 BCE

    Event 4

    Event 4
    Grendel's mother got upset and mad that her son got killed.Grendel's mother decides to attacks the Danes, and killing many and she took her sons arm back to her lair.
  • 7004 BCE

    Event 3

    Event 3
    Beowulf and his men decide to trap Grendel, and Beowulf is
    successful in his effort to kill Grendel. Beowulf fights with Grendel with his bare hands, and also hangs Grendel's arm in the rafters of Herot.
  • 7003 BCE

    Event 2

    Event 2
    12 years later, Beowulf hears that Grendel attack and now ruling of Denmark. Beowulf decides travel to Denmark.
  • 7002 BCE

    Event 1

    Event 1
    Grendel made his first attack on Herot when the men are all asleep. He quickly killed and ate 30 men. Grendel starts a 12 year control over Denmark.
  • 7001 BCE


    Dragon- A monster that attacks the town, after he was awaken. This happened after Grendel became king.
    Wiglaf- Warrior and best friend of Beowulf. He also is the only one who stayed to fight the dragon with Beowulf
  • 7000 BCE


    Beowulf- The main character/hero. Great warrior who goes on missions to fight different enemies. Later he becomes king.
    Denmark- Neighboring country
    Grendel- Evil monster who attacks Herot.
    Herot- A party hall that Hrothgar built to reward his warriors.
    Hrothgar- King of Denmark
    Grendel's mother- Grendel's mother who attacks Herot in revenge to her son's death.