Benito Juarez

  • 1806

    Benito Juarez was born in 1806 March 21. His full name is Benito Pablo Juarez Garcia. His parents were very poor, they had died when Benito Juarez was about the age of 3.
  • 1827

    Juarez had worked with Don Antonio Salanueva , he was a bookbinder, and he was mostly like his adoptive father. With the help of his adoptive father and a close teacher he had learned to read and write. Then later in 1827, he had graduated from Seminary from Santa Cruz.
  • 1831

    Then in 1831 be became qualified to enter the local law office. Although that profession was already over crowded. Then he began a second career as an antiestablishment Literal politician, he had goals for himself to change the mexican government.
  • 1835

    In 1835, his city had elected his as the Liberal deputy to the federal legislature. He had carried on with his legal career. He had mostly served as a representative to severely poor indian communities, ones that struggle to protect there home belongings.
  • 1841

    Then in 1841, the state government had appointed him the federal court judge. At that time he had served with excellence. His spot as the judge had increased through his marriage to Margarita Mazza. She was one of the daughters of Oaxaca’s wealthiest families.
  • 1847

    In 1847 and 1848, there was a war between Mexico and America. The reason was for land in the southwest. Benito Juarez had acted governor and then he was elected governor for Oaxaca.
  • 1852

    Juarez had recognized the state national guard. Then he had left the office in 1852, he left when the economy was in great shape. Mexico had become well known or well rounded because of its honesty, spirit, and many more.
  • 1857

    Benito Juarez has accomplished many is the last four years of his life. He got the government to build railroads, schools, and even the military budget was cut and that's a huge plus for many people. Also Mexico has the very first efficient government based on the Constitution of 1857.
  • 1864

    In the years 1864 and 1867, in between those years would determine the future of Mexico. Juarez had kept refusing to serve and be in the imperial cabinet. The imperial cabinet is a body of advisors that are under control of a foreign empire.
  • 1871

    Though there is a negative side, Benito Juarez had refused to give out authority and had insisted, with much rejection, at his out reelection in 1871. He believed that he could rule Mexico alone. Though many had seen him a dictator, or even and absolute ruler.