Benedict arnold

Benedict Arnold

By Kay Kay
  • Benedict Arnold

    Benedict Arnold
    Benedict Arnold was born in Norwich, Connecticut on January 14. After his first wife died in 1775 and married Peggy Shippen, he opened a druggist shop that also sold books.
  • Victory

    At the Battle of Saratoga, Arnold was wounded severely, but he forced his troops to continue on fighting. With his bravery and dedication, he led his troops to victory.
  • Life Span

    Life Span
    Bendict Arnold was an American General in the American Revolution. He was one of the bravest at the beginnning of the Revolution. Benedict but a scheme on the British and used the army for his own selfish purposes.
  • End of the Road

    End of the Road
    After Bendict tricked the British, he started making deals with them to get out of debt.Even though they didn't fully trust him, they promised to make him a British officer if he was to spy. When he turned his back on the British, he moved to Canada to avoid getting caught. On June 14, 1801, he died in London.