Bas van fraassen

Bas Van Fraassen

  • Bas van Fraassen's Birthdate

    Bas van Fraassen's Birthdate
    Bas van Fraassen was born 05 April 1941 in the city of Goes in the Netherlands
  • Emigration

    At the age of 15, Bas Van Fraassen and his family emigrated to Edmonton, Canada in the summer of 1956.
  • Bachelor's in Philosophy

    Bachelor's in Philosophy
    Bas van Fraassen completes his undergraduate studies in Philosophy in 1963 at the University of Alberta.
  • Period: to

    Continued Education

    Upon his acquisition on his bachelor's degree in philosophy, Bas van Fraassen continued to study on and attended The University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania. He acquired his M.A in1964. Under the guidance and supervision of Adolf Grünbaum, Fraassen gained his Ph.D. in 1966 with the completion of his dissertation on the casual theory of time.
  • Yale University

    Yale University
    After receiving his Ph.D., Bas van Fraassen accepted a position in Yale to teach in the Philosophy department. He taught there from 1966 to 1969.
  • University of Toronto

    University of Toronto
    Bas van Fraassen started teaching at the University of Toronto. He taught from 1973 to 1981
  • University of Southern California

    University of Southern California
    Later, Bas van Fraassen accepted a position at the University of Southern California, where he taught from 1976 to 1981.
  • Constructive Empiricism

    Constructive Empiricism
    In the year 1980, Bas van Fraassen published a book called The Scientific Image. Upon coining the term "constructive empiricism", he claimed there to be agnosticism in regard to the reality of those that are not observable. Bas van Fraassen also expanded on the idea of antirealism in regard to the focus on the observable than the observed despite how isolated it may be in space and time. [YouTube]
  • Princeton University

    Princeton University
    Fraassen joined the faculty of Princeton University in 1981. He first began as a visiting professor in 1981. Later in 1982, he became a full-time professor at the university. In 1998, he was named as the McCosh Professor of Philosophy Emeritus.
  • Lakatos Award

    Lakatos Award
    Fraassen receives the Lakatos Award in 1986 due to his contributions in the world of the Philosophy of science.
  • Laws of Symmetry

    Laws of Symmetry
    In 1989, Fraassen published a book called Laws and Symmetry where he further elaborates on his views in the context of the Philosophy of Science. In the novel, he examines the physical laws of the world around us. [academic]
  • Quantum Mechanics

    Quantum Mechanics
    Bas van Fraassen publishes the novel Quantum Mechanics: An Empiricist View in 1991. Here, he further expands his views in regard to quantum statistics as well as the measurement problem.
  • Entry to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

    Entry to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
    In 1997, Bas van Fraassen was elected as a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
  • The Empirical Stance

    The Empirical Stance
    During his Terry Lectures at Yale University, Fraassen expanded on his views through his novel The Empirical Stance. The book was published in 2002. [archive]
  • San Fransico State University

    San Fransico State University
    In 2008, Fraassen became a distinguished professor at San Francisco State University at the Department of Philosophy. He has since been teaching logic courses as well as joint seminars with Isabelle Peschard. Bas van Fraassen has since participated in three of The Experimental Side of Modeling workshops.
    Since 2008, he is still part of the university till present time.
  • Hempel Award

    Hempel Award
    n 2012, Bas van Fraassen was the first recipient to receive the Philosophy of Science Association's Hempel award. This award recognized his lifetime achievement in regard to his studies and contributions towards the Philosophy of Science.
  • The Experimental Side of Modeling

    The Experimental Side of Modeling
    A book he co-authored with Isabelle F. Peschard Offering a radically new conception of the role of data in the scientific modeling process, this cutting-edge volume offers a multifaceted view on experiments as designed and shaped in interaction with the modeling process. Highlighting the mediating role of models and the model-dependence (as well as theory-dependence) of data measurement, it proposes a normative and conceptual innovation in scientific modeling.