Home Of The Infant
where they lived until they were 5, children born in the same year, everything was clean and white, everyone was similar. -
Time Of Mating
The time each spring when all the men, older than 20, and women, older than 18, are sent for one night to the City Palace of Mating. The girls mature earlier. Parents and children never see each other. -
Unmentionable Times
great fires burned the evil ones and the things made by the evil ones. -
Equality Discover
Electricity; causes the needle on the compass move, causes electricity, metal draws the power of the sky -
Equality Name
The Golden One, because she would be the only person with that name -
What Equality Wants
He wants to figure more out about himself -
Equality put in the Palace of Corrective Detention
he was so consumed by the light that he was late in returning to the home of the street sweepers -
How he was treated at the Palace
Poorly, he was beaten until he would tell people where he was -
How he was able to escape from the Palace
Broke down the door, it was not a guarded Palace -
The real reasons behind the Council’s rejections
If they show interest in this new invention, they undermine the society they rule over -
Uncharted Forest
Opportunity for growth, change, and personal freedom -
Liberty contrasts Equality to his fellow men
Liberty compares his eyes to fire and his proud mouth to granite and says that the other men lack hope and fire and that they are too soft and modest. Saying that she would rather be damned in his company than be blessed and remain with the others, she kneels before him. -
What he was previously taught about solitude, good, evil, and joy to what he now believes
Never questioned the laws that controlled their life. They never felt any emotions. They had to work for others and not for themselves. -
What Equality now realize is the proper goal and purpose of his life
" I am in charge of my own choices, my own destiny, and choosing what makes me happy. No one else can decide these except me." -
the incident with the Saint of the Pyre. What was he trying to communicate to Equality
He was trying to tell him that to follow his heart and go with his feelings and beliefs; that he was right to think independently even if it meant death. -
What Prometheus plan to do in the future
He will live alone with Gaea in his own home work with his own two hands for himself.