Animals In My Life

By bstuart
  • PuppyPants - Birth

    PuppyPants - Birth
    Puppy was the first cat of 2 that grew up with me since i was born she was born 4 years before me but i still grew up with her around me. She was not very nice but lived a nice long life of 18 years. Luckly she got kinder in her elderly years. She gave birth to Recola in 1996.
  • Recola - Birth

    Recola - Birth
    Recola was born with alot of other little babies Puppy had in that litter. Recola was agreat cat very sweet, and very plump! he lived along life where not sure why he died though he was hardly elderly. His mom out lived him by 2 years when he died in 2010.
  • Hensen

    I dont remember Hensen and his sister Molly to much as i was young and they where only around for awhile before they where given away to a family friend because they where to much to handle. I remember them being really annoying but playful to. I do know where they are today and if they are alive.
  • Molly

    I dont remember Molly and her brother Hensen to much as i was young and they where only around for awhile before they where given away to a family friend because they where to much to handle. I remember them being really annoying but playful to. I do know where they are today and if they are alive.
  • Penny - Adopted

    Penny was great dog that i spend a few years with growing up with. I got him when i was living with my grandpa and his girlfriend over off shelboune right down the street from doncaster elementary where i attended. He was a great dog he would meet me after school unfrotunately my grandpa left his girlfriend so we moved out and penny was sent to one of her relatives in vancouver and 2 years after he passed away. We got him from the SPCA at at 3 years old. He was a beautiful penny coloured friend
  • Chico - Birth

    Chico - Birth
    I did not have chico until he was about 4 years old we got him at the beggining of 2010 . We rescued him from the streets from a man that coudlnt take carwe of himself anymore nor his dog. Chico at first was very timmidand still ion kind of it you grab at him. He is a great dog hes very lazy though. but hey hes a chihuahua. I like to dress him upp in pink clothes even though hes a boy but he does secretly love it. He is still alive and healthy and is now 8 yeasr old
  • Boots - Birth

    Boots - Birth
    Boots was born in 2007 and is still alive and well she born with her brother Guady who unfortunalety got hit by a car a few years ago. Boots is fabulous , She has a great personality and is so affectionate and soft and cuddly. She is now 7 and still loving life
  • Guadloupee - Birth

    Guadloupee - Birth
    Guady was probably one of the best cats that i have evr had. unfrotunately he passed away in 2012 from getting hit by a car he was only 5 yeasr old and could have had such a great life. He was such a cutie nad was so nice, loquasious, amd affectionate.Im still convinced he was a genius cat. He was so smart and such a people person he was alwasy able to find the treats nd open closed door by turning the door handle with his paws. It was like he was actually speaking to you most of time.
  • Diggity - Purchased

    Diggity - Purchased
    Diggity was a hamster that I got as a present for my birthday from my moms boyfriend. Hamsters dont live that long but he was such a sweet hamster, very soft and cute. He died in his sleep in 2009 but i feel it was just the aftermath of when we rolled on the table in his ball. He is now barried in my backyard next to the memorial tree for my dog Penny.
  • Penny - Death

    Penny - Death
    Penny unfrotunatly died under the care of his new home in vancouver. He might has died becuase of old age im not positive but he lived a fairly awesome life ! He died at he died at age 8.
  • Diggity - Death

    Diggity - Death
    Diggity unfrotntuntely died in his sleep at we guessed 3 years old. He was a great hamster but didnt live that long !
  • Recola - Death

    Recola - Death
    Recola died a fearly relaxed death at the age of 14 which was a pretty long life, but he was over weight. Hedidnt suffer baisically just slowly left but he was a awesome cat and always cuddly even though he might not of liked me to much.
  • Twilight - Born

    Twilightr was adopted along with her brother Oliver. SHe was a nice cat , very cute and affectionate but she liked my mom more so we never never really got that close. Unfrotunately she ran away away in late 2012 and has never came home since. But i dotn think shes get i think another family is loving her as much as we did.
  • Oliver - Adopted

    Oliver - Adopted
    Oliver is one fabulous cat. i love him the most , Hes very lovable and soft and orange and perfect. Oliver was adopted along with his sister twilight in 2011. Oliver used to live with my mom but that she has moved he lives and my grandmas and my grandma loves him. He is a siamese cat with big blue beautiful eyes. He is still alive and heatlthy at the age 3.
  • PuppyPants - Death

    PuppyPants - Death
    PuppyPants Died of old age at 18. She Managed to outlive her son though.
  • Guadloupee - Death

    Guadloupee - Death
    Gueady unfrotunately died young at the age or 5 after having to be put down becuase he was hit by a car. He was such a wonderful cat and I miss him.
  • MaryJane - Born

    MaryJane - Born
    MaryJane is the new addition to the family I bought her for my mom as Christmas present. Shes just so cute and small but still an annoying kitten adn the same time. Shes very rambunchious and trouble making but you just cant be mad at her. She is now about 5 months old