Ancient Israel Timeline

  • 4004 BCE


    In the beginning God created the universe and said it was good then he created Man and Woman and he said it was good. God told them to be fruitful and multiply and inhabit the earth in harmony
  • 2349 BCE

    The Flood

    The earth was so sinful that God flooded it but God told Noah to build an arch and to take two of each animal with him and so the earth flooded but soon after Noah found land and then God sent a rainbow as a promise to Noah he would never flood the earth again
  • 2166 BCE


    Abraham was a faithful man who wanted children with his wife but he thought they were too old but then God told Abraham that his wife was gonna have a baby and his wife was like " PFFFFTTT- Ain't no way I'm gonna have a- gets pregnant" Abraham had so much faith and God tested his faith by telling him to sacrifice his only son and that an angel said "JK I just was testing you" And God told Abraham that his descendants were going to be more than the stars in the sky
  • 1728 BCE


    Joseph was the favorite child and he was the youngest of 12 boys. His brothers hated him . One day Joseph had a dream he was a bale of hay and his brothers and dad bowed down to his bale of hay and then his brothers threw him in a well and then he was sold into slavery and his brothers took his rainbow coat covered it in blood and said " Joseph is dead." Then Joseph interpreted dreams there was 7 yrs of Famine and plenty and he gave his fam food and it was all good in the end.
  • 1446 BCE

    Moses and the Exodus

    Pharaoh ordered all the baby Israelite boys to be killed but Moses's mom put him in a basket and set it in the Nile. Then, the princess found him and he grew up in the palace then he killed an Egyptian and he got banned from Egypt. God came to him as a burning bush and told him to free the Israelite and when Moses asked he said no so there was ten plagues and then Pharaoh let em go then changed his mind and the waters came crashing over them and they died
  • 1445 BCE

    Ten Commandments

    On Mount Sinai while Moses was wandering with the Israelites God gave Moses two stone tablets that had a list of commandments you had to follow in order to get to heaven. (obviously before Jesus)
  • 1406 BCE

    Settling Canaan

    After Moses led the people to the border of Canaan, Joshua took over and led the people past the borders of Canaan. Then there was a great battle in the city of Gabaon. During the battle, God made it rain stones so more of them perished from the stones than the Israelite's swords. Then they settled
  • 1011 BCE


    David was a young shepherd boy and one day king Saul needed a mighty warrior to defeat Goliath the giant. David said he would so he went up to Goliath with nothing but a few stones and a sling and killed Goliath then King Saul got jealous of the attention then eventually tried to kill David many times. But then David became king and wrote the book of Psalms!
  • 971 BCE

    King Solomon

    King Solomon was a wise man. He is known to be one of the wisest people in world history. Most of his stories in the Bible are about how wise he is! He also built the first temple in Jerusalem and The second (and last) king to unify Israel
  • 931 BCE

    Division of the kingdom

    King Rehoboam split the United kingdom of Israel in half, Israel the northern kingdom, and Judah the southern kingdom containing the Jewish temple and the city of Jerusalem.
  • 722 BCE

    Assyrian Conquest of Israel

    Assyrians swept out the north kingdom of Israel and kept the ten tribes in captivity and from there they were lost from history
  • 709 BCE

    Sennacherib vs Hezekiah

    Sennacherib attacks Jerusalem and it devastates the kingdom of Judah. Sennacherib challenges Hezekiah and says "The LORD is no match for the king of Assyria!" then he gets demolished by Hezekiah later when he returns home his two sons kill him and one of his sons succeeds Sennacherib after escaping through a neighboring kingdom.
  • 605 BCE


    Daniel was a nice man who always praised and prayed. The king liked him too. But the king's 2nd in commands hated Daniel. So they convinced the king to make a law that there was no more praying and praise but Daniel still prayed so he was thrown in a lion's den then an angel made the lions sleep and Daniel escaped.
  • 586 BCE

    Babylonian conquest of Israel

    The Babylonians besieged Jerusalem and the city surrendered Jeconiah, its court, blacksmiths, and craftsmen were transported to Babylon.
  • 586 BCE

    The Exile

    The exile left God's people without a home or a temple wondering if God had left them. The exile had prophetic warnings as hundreds of years of tradition and culture were destroyed in just ONE YEAR
  • 538 BCE

    Cyrus the Great

    Cyrus the Great freed the Israelites and let them rebuild the temple in Jerusalem so the people of Israel could go back home for that reason.