All Quiet on the Western Front

  • A Return Home

    A Return Home
    Paul is sent home on leave and finds his mother sick with cancer. She and he connect emotionally, but he is depressed at seeing her like this. Paul looks over the posters decorating his room from his youth – they feel a million miles away, as though they were built by a different person.Paul visits Kemmerich's mother – he swears her son died fast, even though he did not. Paul has no qualms swearing to this lie.
  • The River

    The River
    Paul and his friends go to the river get naked and swim across so that they can meet up with soem french girls.
  • Enlisting Day

    Enlisting Day
    Paul and all of his buddies from school go to enroll in the army. Because his schoolteacher encouraged them to.
  • bloody battle

    bloody battle
    The men fight in a bloody battle with allied infantry men. The men live in trenches and are forced to fight for food with the pesky rodents that surround them. Reinforcements are sent to the men however it seems they are more trouble than they are worth. Many of them die from gas attacks because they are unsure of how to react. In one trench, Paul runs into Himmelstoss. Paul tries to get Himmelstoss to leave the trench and help fight but Himmelstoss is too afraid. Paul now realizes that Himmelst
  • No mans land

    No mans land
    Paul details the gut-wrenching sounds of one of their company's men who is shot. He takes three days to die in "no man's land," where he can not be rescued by others as they would risk certain death.
  • Helping the Russians

    Helping the Russians
    After his leave is up, Paul returns back to the front. There he sees some Russians that have been taken captive. Paul is sent to guard the prisoners at night and he feels for them. They are all weak, and they are only given enough food to keep them from starving. Paul says that they are only his enemies because someone in higher command has said so. Paul shares his cigarettes with them and even gives them some food
  • kemmerich's death

    kemmerich's death
    Paul visits Kemmerich in the hospital.
    Paul tries to comfort Kemmerich, but cannot. Kemmerich cries all the way into his death. Paul gives Müller the boots.
  • The Big Meal.

    The Big Meal.
    The boys and mean were feasting while restinga at the front. Because they cooked for 150 men but unfortunaly there was only 80 men still alive. The men are so thankful that they have the protions.
  • New recruit

    New recruit
    Paul finds a new recruit who has pooped his pants in fear, and kindly helps him get himself together with no teasing.
  • Gassed

    The offensive starts and the men are gassed, but they wear masks and survive. They are deep in the front. Bombs hit round the clock and with such fury that their trenches are almost evaporated.
  • Returning to the Front

    Returning to the Front
    Paul and the troops go to the front to lay barbed wire fence. They are shelled actively along the way.
  • Kat's affect on Paul

    Kat's affect on Paul
    Kat's positive attitude and influence in the book shows that he is a true leader. He is the last of Paul's friends to die. After he dies Paul finds fewer reasons and movitvation to live any longer.
  • Feeling pain for the family

    Feeling pain for the family
    Paul volunteers to spy in No Man's Land. On his way back to his camp he gets lost, and caught in a bombardment. When an enemy French soldier jumps into the hole with him, Paul reacts quickly and stabs him. Realizing that he will have to wait until morning to leave, Paul talks to the soldier. The French soldier is not dead so Paul bandages his wounds and gives him water. After many long agonizing hours the soldier dies. Paul decides to go through the soldier's pocketbook and finds out the man's n
  • Albert and Paul

    Albert and Paul
    In another battle, Albert and Paul are injured. They are sent to the hospital where Paul fights hard any need to be knocked out before the operation. He promises the surgeon that he will stop moving and the surgeon takes out shrapnel from Paul's leg with no anesthesia.
    Paul heals and recovers. He's given a short leave, during which he sees his mother, now very feeble and dying.
    Paul is sent back to the Front.
  • Coffins

    Paul and other go to the graveyard and they thorw bodies out of coffins so that they can get down in them and hide.
  • Describing Death

    Describing Death
    Paul describes the deaths of Detering, Bernger, Muller, and others.
  • Paul carrying Kat

    Paul carrying Kat
    Kat was hit in the shin so paul threw him over his shoulder and carried him for miles not knowing that Kat was hit in the head while Paul was carrying him. Kat gettiing him in the head saved Paul from being hit in the back
  • Final trip home

    Final trip home
    During a battle, Paul inhales poison gas and is given a fourteen day leave. His final trip home is a tough one. He feels a strong desire within him to return home however he is frightened because he has no career, and a very small education. He is not sure how to function outside the battlefield.
  • Paul Dies

    Paul Dies
    He is found looking calm. And as if he was relieved to die
  • End of War

    End of War
    the war is over and the ones who are still alive get to go home and live there lives.